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Peace In Our Time

"How is he?" I nodded at Barton behind the glass as I stepped into the lab. 

"Unfortunately, he's still Barton," Tony said dryly. 

"That's terrible." Bruce replied.

I rolled my eyes at the pair of idiots. I gave Tony the look.

"He's fine, he's thirsty," he said. "All right. Look alive, JARVIS. It's playtime." He began walking around in his lab. "We've only got a couple days with this joystick, so let's make the most of it." He stopped in front of the scepter, and I swiftly joined him. "Update me on the structural and compositional analysis." 

"The sceptre is alien," JARVIS replied, which anyone could've guessed. "There are elements I can't quite quantify."

"That means there's elements you can?" I questioned.

"The jewel appears to be a protective housing for something inside, something powerful."

"Like a reactor?" Tony asked, messing around with a juice maker or something. How he had the attention span, I never knew. 

"Like a computer." JARVIS said. "I believe I'm deciphering code." 

No more was said and Tony and I were left alone by Bruce as he went to check on Clint. I studied Loki's sceptre, now I was finally close enough to see it. It was truly exceptional; the technology, the design. But also brought so much cruelty and destruction. It was almost the perfect juxtaposition. 

"So, Rosie," Tony said and I turned to watch him messing with a tablet. "I see you're very close with the Capsicle."

It's almost like a question, but not quite.

I raised an eyebrow. "And what of it?" 

He raised an eyebrow right back at me. Trademark Stark attitude. "Not too close, I hope." he warned me, in a big brotherly way.

I sighed and leaned against the desk. "Would it really be so bad?" 

"Your only love, sprung from my only hate," he joked, misquoting Romeo and Juliet.

I threw a random screw that I found on a table at him. "You don't hate Steve, stop it," I told him and he nodded in surrender. "Besides, big brother, you have nothing to worry about. There's nothing between Steve and I."

"But you want there to be?" 

I shrugged. "I guess I've just become very close and fond of him. So, yeah, maybe. If he ever asked me on that damned date though."

"Date?" he shook his head. "Why do I feel like our very own Miss Romanoff has something to do with that?" 

I laughed. "If you have a problem, take it up with her. She's trying, but Steve's a little clueless I think. Or maybe he just doesn't want anything like that with me. Either way, Tony, you're just going to have to put up with it," I winked at him. "For the sake of the team and our sibling-hood. I'll see you at the party, Tone."

"Yeah, see you," He grumbled back, clearly not enjoying the idea of his little sister and his friend he often clashed with together. Not that we're even together. 

I left the lab and found my way into my bedroom for a bit of peace. Living in the Stark-now-Avengers tower was nice, and I had everything I could ask for, but it was also kind of chaotic. Every day there'd be an Avenger in or some form of crisis in the world, there'd be people everywhere, or even just my friends, hanging out, in the main living areas. It was fun, but also too much sometimes. Sometimes...I just needed the peace and quiet of my own mind.

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