Chapter 17 The Resurrection

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Chapter 17

The Resurrection

Aria knew Kendal and Vanessa were up to something. First, it started that one school night when she tried to call Vanessa and she supposedly lost her phone charger. When she finally got in touch with Walter, he said he had not even seen her since after school. Aria knew for certain she was not home because she walked across the street later to see what was going on and Mrs. Cooper said she was over at Kendal's studying. That must have meant Kendal was lying to her. After all, even though she claimed not to know where Vanessa was, she still sounded completely calm, even when Aria called her back and said she has not come home yet.

Even though it was clear her two best friends were up to something, Aria did not confront them on it the entire week in school. Instead, she took it upon herself to find out what secret they were hiding.

On Saturday morning, Aria set her alarm so she would wake up earlier to investigate. When she walked by her bedroom window, she noticed Kendal's car parked in front of Vanessa's house.

Curious, Aria quickly got dressed and then went outside. As she walked across the street, she debated on whether to just knock on the door and confront them directly. She stood by Kendal's car, trying to decide what to do. Before she reached a decision, however, Vanessa's front door opened and the two girls walked out. Both jumped, startled by Aria's sudden presence.

"Aria!" Vanessa spoke first. "What... uh, what are you doing up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep," Aria muttered, not bothering to think of an elaborate excuse for her presence. "Where are you two heading off to?"

"Um... we were just heading to the... uh, mall," Vanessa attempted to answer quickly.

Aria raised her eyebrow. "The mall doesn't open until ten."

"Obviously," Kendal muttered under her breath, annoyed.

Vanessa whirled over to her and stammered, "Well, you try to think of a better excuse off the top of your mind!"

"I had a better excuse for us in mind, but then you had to say that," Kendal gritted back. "Now, we may as well tell her the truth."

Aria faked a pleasant smile and added, "Yeah, let's just skip on to that part."

Kendal then went on and explained how the priest of Evalius came disguised as a counselor to inform her that the kingdom needs a ruler. She agreed to rule as long as he assist her in getting revenge on Queen Sahrissa. Today, Becket had prepared a ritual that should resurrect Lord Argarion's powers and give them to Kendal.

Aria's eyes spread wide open by the end of this story. "Have you lost your mind, Kendal? Remember how you said I would be throwing away my life here if I left to become queen of Galatia and get revenge? Well, you're pretty much doing the exact same thing here right now!"

Kendal sighed. "I'm not planning on staying there forever. I just want to take down Sahrissa and then I'm going to find someone who is capable of ruling instead of me. Look Aria, I have to do something. She's still out there."

"And she believes you're dead," Aria reminded her. "If the evil queen finds out you're still alive, she'll come after you."

"I know," Kendal said, confidently. "This time I will be ready for her."

Aria remained silent, still standing between the car and her friends. She then finally asked, "Why didn't you tell me about any of this?"

"I didn't want to put you in danger," Kendal answered, truthfully. "I didn't want to drag Vanessa into any of this either but she already found out so she's going now too."

Though she did not necessarily approve, Aria knew there was no point in trying to talk Kendal out of something she felt this strongly about. She then shrugged and opened the car door. "Well, I know now so I guess I'm going too."

Kendal sighed, as she seemed to have the same revelation about Aria.


Just as before, Becket had his carriage to meet up with the girls upon arrival. He seemed surprised to see Aria among the group now, but claimed he fully appreciated her support. When they arrived to Evalius, Aria noticed the lands appeared just as dried out and infertile as she remembered. However, this time something different stood out to her. Aria recalled last time she was here, the people appeared miserable and afraid. They would hide in the shadows, especially when new people arrived. Now, however, the citizens of Evalius were out and about, appearing much more cheerful. When the carriage entered, instead of running to hide, they stood out and cheered. Aria listened and realized they were crying out for Kendal.

The three girls followed Becket into the castle and went through the same maze path to the center of the castle where the main throne room and alter were located.

Becket summoned for Kendal to walk up to the alter. Aria and Vanessa stood back.

"So do you know exactly what this ritual involves?" Aria whispered to Vanessa.

Vanessa pointed to the alter stone. On it, there was a tiny silver ring placed.

"That was Kendal's wedding ring he gave her during the ceremony where she was going to be sacrificed," Vanessa explained. "Becket said he was going to take a drop of her blood on the ring, and while he says some weird chant over it, it should bring back Argarion's powers. He explained it all last time we were here."

Aria watched as he took a small dagger and just used it to prick Kendal's finger. Once a couple drops of blood dripped on the ring, Becket began his chanting. Aria did not recognize the language. Kendal took just one step back and a circular grey cloud began to form above the alter. This cloud spun like a whirlpool with lightning bolts flashing within. Aria jumped when one bold struck Kendal, knocking her on her back. Both girls rushed over to her side.

"Kendal, are you alright?" Aria demanded, trying to help her sit up.

Panting heavily, Kendal managed a nod. "I think so."

Still holding her arm, Aria asked, "Do you feel any different? Do you feel his powers?"

"I'm not sure," Kendal admitted, looking down at her hands, uncertainly.

Just as Kendal was about to try and test them, Aria noticed Vanessa's face grew white as she began to point her shivering finger up.

"Um, guys?" Vanessa quivered, her eyes widening.

Aria turned her head to the alter to see that not only did Lord Argarion's powers get resurrected, but Lord Argarion himself.

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