Chapter 1 Empty Summer

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A/N: Hello readers! Welcome to the forth installment of my Crossover series. This one is a bit longer so I divided it into two parts. They will be uploaded as separate novels on this site. I will try to keep updates coming weekly. They will most likely be Fridays or over the weekend. Hope you all enjoy! (Please vote if you do)

Before reading this, you should have read

Crossover: Another World

Crossover II: Evalius

Crossover III: Nemesis

Chapter 1

Empty Summer

Vanessa Cooper rested her cheek on her hand, leaning on the side of the sofa as she aimlessly flipped through the television channels. For her, this had to be the dullest summer ever. It got almost to the point where she began to look forward to school.

Her best friend, Aria Rosenberg, was spending the entire summer in another world, literally. Just last year, while they were Sophomores, Aria discovered she was actually born in another alternate universe. Not only that, she was a princess. Her parents, the king and queen, had her sent to this world and an infant, because they feared the evil fairy's curse might actually work. Ironically, that same evil fairy, Myrtle, has turned good since then and now has been given the task to watch over Aria.

Since her recent discovery, Aria received the burden of deciding which world she wants to spend the rest of her life in, here or the kingdom of Galatia. She still has not made her up mind, but the king and queen feel that she needs to spend a solid amount of time in Galatia before she makes her decision. With high school, summer was the only time. Vanessa realized this was the longest time she's ever spent without seeing her best friend.

Her boyfriend, Walter Price, was currently residing in California State's National Study Camp. Vanessa did not understand why he felt the need to go every year, or why his parents made him. He was already the smartest person she has ever met. Walter constantly made A's in all of his classes. Vanessa couldn't recall him making even a B in anything, except one Biology test that the majority of the class failed anyway.

The other person Vanessa would have hung out with over the summer was Kendal Lewis. Throughout the Spring semester of last school year, the girls had a rather difficult time maintaining their friendship. The previous semester consisted of boyfriend drama between the two and overall struggle of power. Now, however, they managed to put to past behind them and move forward in being friends. Vanessa never would have dreamt this a year ago, but right now, she really wanted Kendal here.

For the past month, Kendal had traveled to New York City with her mom. Regina Lewis had always been quite big on fashion and wanted her daughter to be a model, as she was in her younger days. Though she enjoyed fashion, Kendal did not share the same interest in modeling as her mother. Mrs. Lewis, however, still forced her to attend modeling classes in New York to give it a fair chance.

So everyone seemed to be out on grand adventures, while Vanessa just sat on the couch, bored. As she stood up to go get a snack, she noticed her phone buzzing on the table beside the sofa.

"Hello," Vanessa answered, realizing she forgot to look at the screen and see who was calling.

"Hey girl! You missed me?"

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