Chapter 13 The Funeral Home

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Chapter 13

The Funeral Home

After school the next day, Aria's parents drove her to the Funeral Home. Aria did not say a word the entire time. She had never in her life felt so much rage. The worst thought was that, at this moment, the queen was likely back in her kingdom celebrating her victory. No one there even knew what she had done.

Aria followed her parents into Kendal's reserved room. This was the night before the official ceremony, the night where all the friends of the person who passed away would gather together to mourn. Aria did not feel in the mood to talk to anyone so she went over to one of the chairs against the wall and sat. Only five minutes passed by before Vanessa came to join her.

"I still can't believe it didn't work," Vanessa uttered in a tone barely surpassing a whisper. "I mean, the queen did do this, right?"

Aria nodded, gazing towards the casket darkly. "She did it. I know it."

"Do you think if Myrtle tells the other fairies what happened, they'll get her?" Vanessa asked.

Aria wiped her eyes and shook her head. "They're not going to get her."

Vanessa turned her head to look at her. "Why do you say that?"

Aria took in a breath before answering, "Because I am."

Vanessa looked at her, bewildered. "What?"

"The next time I'm in Galatia, I'm going to tell my parents I want to be queen," Aria explained. "Everyone there has to listen to me because I'm royalty so I'm going to tell them the truth about Queen Sahrissa and then use the army to take her down."

"Aria, you're kind of starting to scare me," Vanessa muttered, looking towards Kendal's body. "But I guess I agree with what you're doing. Maybe I can come visit you and help on weekends."

"That's fine," Aria said, her eyes lifting up to the ceiling. "Just promise you won't mention any of this to Derek. He'll probably think it's too dangerous and try to stop me."

Vanessa nodded.

Aria then glanced over to her boyfriend, who was currently right beside his best friend. She thought about how Ian and Kendal had been together for over two years. Aria wondered how he would be able to move on after that. The thought of Aria herself moving on felt almost unreachable to her.

All of the sudden, Aria felt her best friend's cold fingers grasp her arm, letting out a gasp the next moment.

"Aria!" Vanessa breathed deeply. "She flinched!"

Aria sat up straighter in her chair and looked towards the casket. "What?"

"Her finger!" Vanessa stood up. "I saw it flinch!"

Aria, too, arose but let out a deep sigh. "Vanessa, you probably just imagined it."

"No!" Vanessa started towards the open coffin. "I know what I saw!"

Aria followed Vanessa to Kendal's body, which still appeared as though she were sleeping.

"I saw it," Vanessa repeated in a weaker tone. "I know I saw her move."

Aria didn't say anything but placed her hand on Vanessa's shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. She knew she had already had her breakdown. Now, Aria felt she had to be strong for the people she loved. The only thing keeping her together now was the thought of giving this evil queen what she deserved.

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