Chapter 4 Old and New Love

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Chapter 4

Old Love and New Love

The first month of school was pretty uneventful. So far, there had not been any over-the-top drama. Classes began to keep most students so busy anyway so they did not have time to bicker with one another as much. Right now, the hot topic was already the Homecoming dance. Derek had already asked Aria just a couple days ago. Walter decided to ask Vanessa last night. The only couple that had not made the date official was Ian and Kendal. Since October had not even started Aria did not think this was anything to worry about. Vanessa, on the other hand, disagreed.

"Every year before this, Ian was always like the first to ask Kendal to the dance," Vanessa said to Aria as the two girls walked to their History class for seventh period.

"It's still pretty early," Aria pointed out, still sounding slightly out of breath from Gym class the previous period.

"Yeah, but he always asks her out first. She makes sure of that," Vanessa reminded her.

Aria merely lifted her shoulders. "Well, I guess she's just trying to be less controlling. You're the one that gave her that advice, remember?"

"I suppose," Vanessa admitted as they approached the classroom. "They just seem different this year, as though neither of them really care anymore. I mean, like Ian barely made an effort to see her when she first got home during the summer, unlike Derek, who wanted to see you the moment you got home. He even called me a few days before and asked about you."

Aria was not really sure what to say. Initially, she wanted to point out that she had been gone a long time over the summer. However, Kendal was out of town for a month, which was also quite some time not to see someone. Perhaps the two just grew accustomed to not seeing one another every moment of the day. Aria hoped that this did not mean the end to their relationship.

"Well, they are still going together to Snow White's party this weekend," Aria recalled, hopeful. "Maybe being in the other world will help spur up their own feelings towards each other."

In the region in the other world where Aria was born, was a place where happy endings always occur. This land also strengthens romantic feelings within a person, though sometimes they are a little too intense. Aria recalled when she was first there with Derek, how she passionately kissed him even though the two had not even started dating. Just last spring when all six of them went there, Ian spontaneously proposed to Kendal and she accepted. The couple did not even ponder how much this would not work out until they returned to the modern world. Fortunately the two talked it through and their relationship went back to normal after the incident.

"Yeah, hopefully you're right," Vanessa agreed, as they two entered their History classroom.

When Aria and Vanessa approached their desk, they found Kendal was already there.

"Hey guys," Kendal greeted as the other two girls sat down in the row beside her.

"Hey," they both said back.

Having still a couple minutes before class started, the three decided to chat.

"So are you looking forward to this weekend?" Aria asked Kendal.

"Yeah, definitely," Kendal answered as she pulled out her textbook.

"How are we getting downtown?" Vanessa asked. "Are we all riding together?"

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