Chapter 39 - A life without sweets is not much worth living

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Oh yeah, any requests or ideas of scenes you want to see in this fic?

Pairings : Undecided
Warnings : Teikō Middle School Days.
Disclaimer : I own only the OCs.

Chapter 39 - A life without sweets is not much worth living

Sunday is the one and only day in a week where everyone, which is really everyone, have a day off from whatever activities they have on the other days. On this day, Yume has no part-time work and she usually fills this day with reading and a bit of school studies. Of course, as she has noted how enrolling in Teikō seems to be the start of where everything goes wrong for her, today isn't notably different.

"I sent him up since you didn't answer earlier, but it's the one of those kids you brought here before. The tall one!" the desk manager tells her after she finally picks up the call.

Then not five minutes later, Yume finds a primped Murasakibara Atsushi on her doorstep.

Ah... a new morning has never been sweeter.

Because apparently, Murasakibara remembers when she tried to convince him to participate in the Cleaning Day with the sweets-vouchers usage on Sunday, which is today. Though as Yume has only managed to earn his acceptance when she promises him a bulgogi-flavoured maiubou which should be out next week, she was under the impression that the sweets-voucher-thing wouldn't happen.

But it does. Because Murasakibara is in front of her apartment with an expression of bliss if one knows where to look. And she thought she heard wrong when the bell rung and the desk manager told her a friend came by, one of those kids she brought before, the tall one. They made quite a bit of impression that day.

"You should've been ready, Mana-chin. Late means all the good sweets would be gone!" Murasakibara's tone is one of the most excited she has ever heard of him, with a whine in it.

And really, she should have expected this. After all, this is Murasakibara she is talking to and he never compromises when it comes to sweets. Yume really should have thought better. Her posture slumps the slightest bit, resigning to the fact that nothing would change Murasakibara's resolve when it involves sweets.

"I'll be ready in five minutes, Murasakibara-kun," she murmurs, leaving the door open as she trudges towards her room.

The unsaid invitation is to make himself at home while she changes her clothes and makes herself presentable. Murasakibara doesn't waste time shrugging off his shoes and seating himself on the sofa in the living room. Looking around, he can see that place is the same as when he was last visiting with the group.

Though he inwardly notes that with only the two of them here, the flat feels somewhat empty and too big. Murasakibara wonders if it feels nice having so much space to oneself, he has many older siblings who are pretty much his size on the same house so he never knows how it feels to have a large apartment for one's personal use.

As he chews on the jelly-beans his older sister, Mutsumi gifts him from her trip to Okinawa, Murasakibara imagines how life would be like if he lives by himself. No one would nag him to eat without making a mess of course and he would be able to eat what he wants when he wants it. Then again, that means he will be unable to cook his mom's cooking anymore.

"Murasakibara-kun? I'm ready," the brunette walks right into his line of sight exactly five minutes later.

With a one-piece, sleeve-less cream dress paired with a pastel-green, short-sleeved cardigan, Yume stands ready. A peach-coloured sling bag is hanging on her shoulder.

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