Love Confess . . ?

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February 14th .

The day for everyone to show their feelings for the the one they love .
There is only one day in the year so you should get hurry !

" What should i do !? What should i do ?! " - The brunette girl mumbled .

But there was one person who was not happy at all , a girl sat in a corner with a small box rapped by a red thread . ' Ummmm ... If i tell him ..? '
- Touko thought to her self .

" Hey Touko ! "

" Huh ?! "

Beru ran forward her waving .

" Hey , what's with your upset face ? "

" No i'm just worry ... " - She answered weakly .

" Hmm ? " - The blonde girl looked at her hands .

" Ohh ~ Someone is about to confess  "

" E -Ehh!!?? Wha - What NO !! " - She blushed deeply .

" So who is the person you like ? "
- Beru smiled .

" Um - Umm ... T - Touya ... " - While covered half her face with the box .

" Touya huh ? "

" Anything wrong ? " - The nervous started to appeared on her face .

" Well nothing , it's just that , you know ... , Touya is really famous and popular so many girls will gives him their feelings soon . You should hurry ." - Beru said .

" Ummmmm "

                             . . .

" So that's that , all of the history of Reshiram i've told you guys all of it .
You guys can go and have lunch . " -
The teacher said .

Touya wore his backpack up and walked outside the class .

' Ayyyy . Finally history class is over .
Time to go to the locker .' He thought .

" Touya !! " - A voice from the behind called .

" Hm ? " - He turned around .

' Touko ?! What is she doing here ?! '
- Touya thought .

" Can i come with you ? " - She stopped in front of him .

" Uhh i guess ... "

Touya started to looked at his locker .
It was completely full . He started to sweat drop .

" Mm ? " -  She looked at him while opened her locker .

" Haizzz ... "

As he opened it , a huge bunch of pink letters and lots of chocolate boxes fell down .

" Wha ,What .... " - She mumbled .

Touko started to looked down , her eyes got all wet , but before her tear dropped ...

" What's wrong ? " - He looked at her .

" O - Oh , nothing !! "

" Are you ..... Jealous ..? " - He asked curiously .

" Wha - What are you t - talking about
??!! I - I  Ummm - "

" Touko ." - He said .

She looked at him with eyes full of sadness and disappointment , she could barely cried right now .

He picked up those stuffs and held a Pokeball .

" Follow me . " - He said .

She did what he told her to . He brought her outside the school field , then lent out the Pokemon .

" GRRRRYYYYAAANN " - A Charizard roared .

" Sorry for disturbing you Enkasaii . "
- He said as he threw all of those things in the air .

" Touya what are y - "

Enkasaii , the Charizard used a strong ' Flame Thrower ' and burned all of the papers and chocolates into dusk .

" But w - why a - are you doing this ..? " - She asked with shocked .

" I'm always doing this . "

" Why ... ? , you even don't read it ..? "

" Cause .. Long time ago , i had read a few of them , i was thought they'll all confesses but ... There were something more . Every of the start of a letter , it were all started with the
'I heard that'. Every of them , were the same ... They didn't really like me ,
They just like my icons , it means it all leaned on rumours about my strength , my looking , my Pokemon , they don't care what person i am . They even don't confess in front of me
, but ... "

" Touya ... " - She mumbled .

" You are different ! " - He said grinning while patted her head .

" Different , huh ? " - She said while blushed .

" Thanks a lot Enkasaii . " - He returned Charizard .

She took out the box in her bag .

" Touya ... " - She started .

" Hm ? What is it ? ''

" I - I ...... I ... L - Like ... "

" I like ..? " - He repeated .

- she said out loud .

" ... Touko ... "

' I guess that's it ... He never felt like me . All the time ... ' - She thought .

" That something ... "

" ... I guess only i can do it , right ? " -
He suddenly said and took the box .

" Eh ...? " - She looked up .

He moved forward and embraced her tightly .

" I gladly accept your offer ." - He grinned happily .

Her tears bursted out , she was so happy . What should she say ..?

" Thank you ... " - And she hugged him back .

    ' It was all began of our story 💜 . '

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