Operation(2): R.E.U.N.I.O.N.

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Operation(2): R.E.U.N.I.O.N.

I don't know about you but I happen to have a certain fetish for surprises. Surprises are the proverbial cherry on top of the cake, the spice of life, the plot twist to an otherwise monotonous routine. It's amazing how powerful a tool it can prove to be. One can sweep someone off their feet or shock them into oblivion; courtesy one single surprise. Or make someone wet their pants because that's more than likely in my world.

If surprises were to be personified, they'd either be angelic cute babies that can instantly put a smile on your face or devil spawns that will make you want to tear your hair out. And if you happen to have the acquaintance of Irene Reed, surprises took to resembling Voldemort sneaking up to you in the knock-turn alley to boo you in your ear; the entire concept being messed-up and highly traumatizing.

I happened to have the acquaintance of Irene Reed. In fact, the chick was my best girl mate which entitled me to the privilege of a lifetime full of her personally crafted mutations of a "surprise".

Experience ought to have taught me to probably sleep with one eye open at night but I hadn't quite learned my lesson yet I suppose. That's the reason why I was woken up the following morning in one of the most horrid ways imaginable.

I was still drifting along the edges of consciousness, not fully awake but knew that I'd have to soon. I turned around clutching my blanket up to cover my face when I felt an odd ticklish sensation run up my right leg, like fur against my skin. Rubbing the spot with my other leg, I tried to get rid of the itch, letting out a small groan at the disturbance. The small movement however triggered the irritating tickle to double its speed and shoot up towards my upper thigh with a loud squeak that was terrifyingly similar to that of a rat's.

A bloody rat!

"Holy mother of-ahh!"

I don't remember ever screaming as loud as I did. I could have alerted the entire Sandford household of bloody murder being committed in the guestroom. I shot up from the bed like lightning and started dancing like a madman in order to shake the abomination off of me. And sure enough, seconds later a filthy white rat dropped down from my pyjama bottoms and onto the hardwood floor before it scurried off under the bed.

Light laughter filled the room that sure as hell wasn't mine. I turned to glare at the culprit, ready to throw daggers at the intrepid soul who dared enjoy my misery. My eyes met her golden-brown ones, amusement clearly evident in hers while I'm sure mine spelled 'death' in bold. She was leaning casually by the window without a care in the world, ankles crossed and the sunlight behind her providing her this goddess-like aura. The goddess of pranks, more like.

"I swear, Irene Mackenzie Reed, I'm gonna get you back for this one," I hissed at her. Pushing the joy of seeing her again after two long years to the sidelines, I tried to keep my glare on while Irene continued to grin like a crazy lady, which she was.

"Aw, I missed you too babe," she chirped, practically skipping over to me before throwing her arms around my neck in a vice-like grip.

"Ires," I wheezed. "You're choking me."

She let out a small chuckle in my ear and thankfully pulled back before she could have a dead body in her arms.

"Drama queen," she laughed one of her airy laughs again. "And yet, I wouldn't trade you for anybody else. These past two years without you had been a total bore."

I felt her because that's exactly how it had been for me too. It was true we kept up with each other through late-night phone calls and social networking but it was never the same as having the other person right in front of you. There were times when I just needed her but all I could do was call her or video chat if nothing else. And man, was it frustrating. Finally, no more!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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