Chapter 11

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When we arrived we were all panting. We followed Jimin to the backstage rooms. 

"Took you long enough Jimin," Jungkook stated. Jimin just laughed quietly and left us to get ready.


Half the concert had gone by and it was a break time for 4 of the members. We met them underneath the stage.

"You guys were great out there!" Mina complimented. Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok all smiled and thanked her. Jungkook looked a little off though.

As we helped them to get ready to go back onto the stage Jungkook collapsed. Mina immediately ran over to him. 

"Jungkook? Jungkook!? What's wrong!?" She shook him but he looked so empty of energy. He just silently groaned in reply. "Help me get him up." 

We all helped her move Jungkook onto a sofa. Mina looked extremely worried as she went to get a towel and water for Jungkook. She got a paper plate from somewhere and began to fan him. It was odd for Mina to care so much about someone she just met.

I watched her take care of Jungkook while I sat in a seat in the corner with no idea what to do. Jimin and I glanced at each other with the same expression. 

"Jimin, J-hope, and V you need to switch with the other members. We'll take care of Jungkook."

AGH So I meant to write more because I wanted to update today. This was all I could get done. I'm sorries.

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