"Do you want me to get rid of him?" She breathed, dark eyes opening to pin on his as he grew closer to the home. "I can make it so she would never know he was here."

"No, that's alright," Carlisle told her, appearing in the doorway. "I'll send him away."

The girl's watched as he moved to answer the door, listenned as Edward came down from his solitude, agony written in every jerked and jagged movement. They didn't turn to look at him, eyes locked forward out the window to the forest where they could see small animals that were gathering close to the house.

"He won't leave, not when he risked everything to get this close," Reyna stated, crossing her arms in front of her.

"It'll be fine, he won't do anything," Rosalie said, matter of factly.

They looked back, both taking note of her unfinished sentence. He wont do anything to hurt Bella, that is. Jacob surely came with the intention of killing them all, but he could never hurt the girl he loved.

"Hello, Jacob," Carlisle spoke. "How are you?"

Reyna moved around the room slowly, holding herself deadly still as she stood at the back of the couch, as strong as she could manage. One wrong move, she told herself, wrong wrong move and she would remove him in an instant. Her body was still strong, newborn strength lingering on it's last reserves, she could take one measly wolf - friend to Embry or not.

Reyna didn't listen to the conversation, only breathing in the scent of dog and blood that he carried, a lingering of Embry on his skin that was a teasing gift in this time of tension and hunger.

Her control held firm, it had to with Bella so close.

"Is that Jacob?" Her dying friend asked, frail hand gripping at the arm of the arm of the couch as she tried to heave herself up.

"You shouldn't move, Bella," Rosalie adviced. "He shouldn't know what's happening."

Bella scoffed, falling back against the cushion. "Why not? Are we keeping secrets from Jacob now? What's the point?"

Nose turning up, she looked away to the sound of voices as they grew closer and the heartbeat that slammed against ribcage in anticipation. She disagreed, it was the reason they stayed locked away in the house, the fear of what the woves would do. It was not smart to let Jacob in.

"Come in, please, Jacob," Bella called when no one made move to answer her.

Rosalie was bent protectively over Bella when he came in, tucking blankets around the girl and pulling her so her stomach was less visible.

There was a gurgling, a change in Bella, that had Rosalie reaching for a basin in time for her to throw up into, noisily and scratchy on the throat.

"Sorry about that," Bella whispered, moving so that she was peeking around Rosalie.

Jacob was moving forward, getting closer, until Rosalie was turning, hissing protectively at the boy.

"Rose, don't," Bella whispered. "It's fine."

Reyna could see the way the boy winced at the sound of her voice, how he glanced st them, taking note, and she knew he was going to recall it to the pack - how Embry was going to see her like this. She moved from the room, a gently, feathery squeeze to Bella's shoulder as she passed the only notice she gave before she took her wait outside the front of the house, staring up calmly at the grey overcast that came hand and hand with Forks.

She had the opportunity to see so much more now, experience so much more, but she feared it would be bleak and dull compared to what it could be.

She envied Bella and the way she had the chance to experience things as a human.

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