"I don't trust you." She spat.

"It's... getting a li... little hard... to breathe here... help!" Beatrice panted.

"Shut the hell up!" Lexi shouted at her, tightening the grip around her throat.

"Holy shit! Let me handle this," Bucky pushed everyone aside and menacingly walked closer to Lexi.

"You come any closer and she dies," she threatened.

"Bullshit. Drop the damn knife," he narrowed his eyes at her.

"... what did you just say to me?!" Her voice got louder.

"I'm call bullshit. If you were to truly kill her, you would've done it by now." He seethed.

"I will kill her, don't think I won't!" She threatened again.

"If you're so sure, kill her." He shrugged.

"Bucky, what the hell are you doing?" Steve pulled him back.

"Proving a point," he replied, roughly shoving off Steve's arm. He turned back to Lexi, "what are you waiting for? Do it, if you're so sure. See if I care," he told her. Lexi looked at him, narrowed eyes, as if she wanted to prove the point that she was able to do it, but she couldn't. She couldn't kill her, she was an innocent woman. What had she done wrong? Lexi felt like a monster, but there was no way in hell she was going to show vulnerability to strangers.

She threw Beatrice out of her arms, where Beatrice ran to the other side of the island with the other girls. Then Lexi slammed the knife down on the table.

"That's what I thought," he smirked, walking back to the back of the kitchen, where he could brood some more. He had Lexi in extreme frustration, but she wasn't going to show it.

"You guys should come sit down, you're about to hear a lot of information." Clint told them. They nodded, Lexi reluctantly, and went up the stairs to the penthouse floor, where everyone's space was. They went and sat on the giant comfy couch there, and were each handed their own files.

"Your names are Lorelei Adams, Skylar Edwards, Raven Wells, Lexi Hart, Beatrice Spencer, Quinn Atkinson and Victoria-Katherine Whiteson III." Natasha told them. "You seven were captured and used as weapons for HYDRA, a terrorist organization. You were experimented on, and all have extraordinary abilities, much like Wanda over here. She's telekinetic and telepathic. You all have different abilities, and you all were also injected with super soldier serum, so you all have heightened senses, speed and strength. We rescued you, and we are now going to train you to become the newest avengers. All of your information should be in your files. Have fun," she told them very directly.

"Well that was welcoming." Sam told her sarcastically.

"Whatever, at least we have more women on the team now." Wanda excused.

"More PMS to deal... oof." Tony joked. Natasha and Wanda shot nasty glares at him. Stupid freaking period jokes. "Anyway, you'll each be sharing a floor. Three of you on one, four on the other. Lexi, Victoria-Kath- you know what let's just call you Tori, and Skylar you're on one floor. Beatrice, Lorelei, Raven and Quinn you're on the one below them." Tony told them.

"To find out everything about you and each other, read the files. Your old jobs, height, weight, and new powers should be listed there." Wanda told them, and then the Avengers left the couch for the women to do their own thing.

"So I guess I'll start. I'm Lorelei Adams, I'm twenty-six, I'm a traveling journalist and I'm aquakinetic, so I can control water." Lorelei told them.

"So we're actually going to go around a circle and do this?" Quinn raised a brow.

"Yes, now who are you?" Lorelei asked her.

"Okay... I'm Quinn Atkinson, I'm twenty-three, I own a Skyzone just North of Manhattan, and I can control minds," she told them.

"Ooh, how trustworthy." Lexi said sarcastically.

"Says the girl who just held a knife to my throat and tried to kill me." Beatrice commented.

"Anyway, I guess I'll go next. My name is Raven Wells, I'm twenty-five, I'm a psychologist and I can shapeshift." Raven introduced herself.

"Oh great, we have a therapist for Atomic Blonde over there," Quinn joked, gesturing to Lexi.

"At least I won't have to trick men into sleeping with me," Lexi shot back.

"Bitch, you didn't." Quinn was about to come at her, but Raven stopped her before she could do anything.

"Okay, that's enough," Skylar stopped them, "I'm Skylar Edwards, I'm also twenty-five, I'm a brain surgeon and a bio-engineer, and I can regenerate fast. I can see things from miles and miles away, and I can find people using my mind." She told them.

"Okay, I guess I'll go. I'm Lexi Hart, I'm twenty-four, I'm a bartender and I used to be in the military, and I am an empath."

"Okay, a murderous empath? Now THAT'S funny!" Quinn laughed.

"Yeah, that is kinda funny," Tori joined in and laughed.

"Moving on, I'm Beatrice Spencer, but call me Tris. I love the divergent series. I'm a chemist and a physicist, I'm twenty-six, and I can teleport." Tris introduced herself.

"And my name is Victoria-Katherine Whiteson III, but just call me Tori. I'm nineteen, I'm the daughter of the designer clothing brand VK, and I have the power of invisibility."

"Looks like we have a young rich bitch, cool." Lexi's comment rolled off her tongue. Steve came back to the couch.

"So do you guys know who you are now?" He asked.

"Yeah, we do." Beatrice replied.

"Great, I'm Steve, that's Tony, Wanda, Sam, Bucky, Clint, Natasha and Vision. We're the Avengers. There are more of us, but the rest of us don't live in the tower. You will meet them one day," he told them.

"Cool. So, when do we get settled in?" Skylar asked.

"Today and tomorrow. Tomorrow, we'll take you guys shopping to buy what you need to live here. You're going to be trained to become the next Avengers. You'll each have a therapy session once a week, and once a month, you'll have a physical check-up with a doctor, okay?" Steve informed them.

"Sure, fine by us." Lorelei told them. The rest of the girls nodded, Lexi and Quinn very reluctantly with the whole therapy part of it. Steve nodded and walked away.

"So we're about to be apart of the finest dream team in the world, what could go wrong?" Raven joked. The girls giggled, sighed, and thought about it for a moment. Seven new female trainees in a tower with the most gorgeous and possibly dangerous people they'd ever seen? Yeah, what could go wrong in this situation, Raven?

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