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yoongi opened the door to his room. as expected, hoseok and namjoon are still thereㅡ both of them stood up and eyed yoongi, irritated at his actions.

"bro, where the fuck were you? the nurses came back here for like four times since you have left. and we literally have to sleep here just to wait for you, because we thought you were kidnapped or something..", namjoon walked towards him, in haste. yoongi rolled his eyes at him.

"i'm fine, i waited for her.. sorry to worry you guys, it was an emergency", he mumbled out, but hoseok and namjoon could make out what he was saying.

"and who the fuck is this her?", hoseok creased his forehead, waiting for an answer. yoongi sat on his hospital bed, he licked his lips, hesitating to answer the truth.

"listen, the manager has been calling us all night, telling us to head back to the company to continue the album of our rookie groupㅡ but we told him that me and hoseok have to wait, because we have to let you rest in the room..", namjoon said, opening his phone, letting him see all the messages that their manager has sent them.

"that's so sweet. tell him, that i'm okay as i'll ever beㅡ i will probably be discharged in a couple of days", yoongi replied, as he adjusted himself in the bed in a more comfortable position.

"okay, we will come back here tomorrow, but you need to tell us what the fuck you were doing yesterday, or we won't buy any lamb skewers for you", hoseok smirked, as he sling his backpack on. his remark snapped yoongi out from his daydream.

they know how he beloved lamb skewers, it was his go-to snack everyday at work.

"h-hey! you fucking promised me to buy lamb skewers, you dipshit! i bet you won't do what you think you're about to do!", yoongi yelled, but controlled his voice, in order not to startle any passerby outside the door.

namjoon closed his laptop, sling on his backpack. "then spill the truth tomorrow, if you're that desperate to get the taste of the sweet, sweet skewers", he teased, as he headed towards the door.

"i know all of you won't do that to me, because i know, deep inside in your stupid, useless minds, all of you love me!", yoongi yelled, once more, his voice gradually increased as he get to the end of his sentence.

"you wish!", he yelled back. namjoon who is already outside, laughing.

"bye, bitchㅡ oh, and get better soon", hoseok continued, before slamming the door behind him.

yoongi stared outside the window of the door, watching them disappear out of his sight. "aish!", he groaned, as he scratched the nape of his neck.

he really doesn't wanna spill any tea to his friends. it's not like he doesn't trust themㅡ it's just the fact that he doesn't want them to involve in seungwan's situation.

but he has no choice, chanyeol will probably also tell them about it any time soon, because he is so open, and very talkativeㅡ it would be easier if he would personally open up about it first thing tomorrow morning.

he recalled everything that happened, he never knew that just from that short encounter they had at the rooftop would change his mindset like this.

honestly, seungwan was a miracle sent from heaven. yoongi really felt so heavy at that night, and a lot of thoughts ran through his mind. he had a hard timeㅡ his parents kept on forcing him things he doesn't wanna do, telling him to be a doctor, and being a producer in a company is useless in his life.

as of now, yoongi is popular because of his works. he had worked with the top artist, suran in few of her albums. and he has released his own album with a few soundtracks. so far, it was a big hitㅡ same as hoseok and namjoon, they've released their own albums and got so much popularity because of it.

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