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"you're smiling more than usual, what happened while we were away?", namjoon interrograted, as he gave yoongi a confused look.

"yeah, why you're smiling? this is highly unusual for a stoned being like you", hoseok also asked. but the young male patient just smirked in response at their questions.

"nah, you wouldn't understand", he replied. its highly a fact, namjoon don't really take any interest in those kind of topics. because he thinks it is too cheesy and he might as well focus on his career before finding a love interest.

"why...", namjoon frowns, not ecstatic at yoongi's response. he pouted, hoping that his friend could give him an answer.

"stop acting cute, you look disgusting", yoongi replied, then faking out a vomiting noise. hoseok, who is at the other side of the room, heard what he said, let out a loud laughㅡ loud enough that some people who walked by outside the room could hear it.

namjoon just gave yoongi a glare, obviously he wasn't satisfied of the answer he got.

yoongi looked back at him, still mischieviously grinning. "hey look, i'm sorry, 'kay?", he apologized. namjoon stared at him, obviously still offended at what he said.

"okay, fine. but i still hate what you just fucking said", he said, crossing his arms, and a grumpy expression was written all over his face.

there was a moment of silence, the beeping noises and the loud air conditioner filled in the blank environmentㅡ this is just what yoongi really dislike about hospital rooms, annoying sounds simultaneously went through his ears while he just wanted some damn peace and quiet.

a sigh escape through his lipsㅡ he immediately got out from my bed, confusing both of hoseok and namjoon.

"oh, where the hell do you think you're going?", hoseok asked in an intimidating tone.

"yeah, we don't want you to do anything stupid like you did a few days ago", namjoon saidㅡ still concerned about yoongi's health.

"don't you worry. i'm gonna stroll around the hospital because i'm bored as fuck", yoongi responded, monotously.

namjoon and hoseok trusted their friend and his instincts. after the past several months of therapy and appointments to the doctor, yoongi's mental condition wasn't exactly doing better or worseㅡ there are just times that he attempts committing suicide, when his managers and friends aren't in his sight.

now, after a few days in this hospitalㅡ surprisingly, yoongi got better and better. well, his troublesome attitude is still there, but he geniunely smiles, more.. and more, which definetely made namjoon and hoseok happy.

yoongi opened the door, the warm breeze hit him like a wave as louder chatter could be heard outside. "uhh, don't think about looking for me, i will be back for a few minutes", he said before exiting the room.

yoongi was walking slowly at the side of the corridor, constantly touching the aesthetic, bare, cream-painted walls. he didn't like the loud noises in this hospital, so most of the time, he would go to that part of the building, where he met seungwan.

he got in this hospital, after a failed suicide attempt. seems like his problems don't want to leave him yet.

but after meeting seungwan, he felt a lotㅡ better?

it feels like all those negative atmosphere, that had been surrounding him for months, yearsㅡ just float away as soon as he saw her. those eyes captivated him, and her smile that made me feel jolt back into happiness, all of a sudden.

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