I am My Languages

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Since I was born in Venezuela my native language is Spanish but I was in a Catholic school where the nuns were foreigners so I started learning English when I was three years old. I've learned a bit of French, Japanese and Hungarian, enough to be able to formulate some sentences and understand a bit. With other languages I've learned just a few words and sounds! What I've noticed is that I love learning other languages not only to talk them but to learn the culture attached to them!
Thankfully my modern languages and polyglots friends understand why I blurt words in random languages to express myself without really meaning it. Sometimes a language will express better what I feel than others, some idiomatic expressions are more suited for a specific situation than others! Aaand speaking of situations, when I was a little girl I thought everyone spoke English. Like literally everyone! There was this time where I started singing in English and the girl with me started saying meaningless words, I stared at her and asked.

-"Hey, um, what are you doing?"-

-"The same thing that you are doing! Making up words!"-

-"What? No! This is English, another language just like Spanish!"-

Well, we were about 6 years old when that happened...and she didn't believe me! Now that I'm so used to learning languages that have nothing to do with my mother tongue I see that there's so many different ways of expressing yourself! If you wish you can tell me about your language in the comments! Learning another language will always open new doors for you. Maybe you'll do what I did, I was smart enough to tell a group of French people:

-"Hey! You are French?"-


-"That's awesome! Bye"-

And left, yup! Brilliant, I know. But this is part of who I am, it's not only my career, learning new languages is part of my life! It's part of the way I think and express myself. My friends are used already to me speaking in random languages, my boyfriend is glad I mostly use English which he also speaks and just stares at me when I blurt something in Japanese or Hungarian, I'm learning 12 languages in Duolingo just for fun, my playlist has Korean, Russian, Arab and more! One day I hope to be fluent in at least four languages and almost fluent in maybe three more. You don't need to be a crazy language fanatic like me but I highly recommend learning at least a second language! It will broaden your perspective, open new doors and bring to your life wonderful new experiences! Soy mis lenguas. Je suis mes langues. 私は 私の言語です. Io sono le mie lingue. A nyelvem én vagyok. I am My Languages.

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