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The door swings open and a bunch of people came in, all of them have a glimpse of curiosity written on her face.

"I saw him." she mumbled before they even sit.

They froze on their place, no one dare to talk because they are waiting for Brianna to say something and she did. "Him who exactly?"

She bore into Bree's eyes and trembled, "Him."

All of them let out a little gasp that is noticeable but then covered by Catty clearing her throat and excusing herself to the kitchen to get water.

"Honey..." looking at her surrounding Gabby decided to sit near her, "Are you okay? You must be tired-"

"Did you drink your medicine?" Bree demanded all of the sudden.


"It's okay Gabby," after saying that she slowly shook her head.

"Goddamit," all of the sudden Brianna pulled her collar roughly and barked, "Why? You hated him so why don't you drink the medicine Alexa?"

She didn't say anything, the tears just fell onto her cheek, she cried in silence while the bright light from her laptop shines through.

...the thing is, it is easier to say that you hate them than to admit that you miss them. Why do I know? because that is exactly what I feel right now...


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with love,



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