The drive was quiet until we stopped at a red light and she asked "Why did puck even asked you?" I sigh looking over at her a bit annoyed knowing she didn't really like me. "you know it was my idea to get you out the house right?" I say slightly rude as i start to drive again. Slowly she looked out the window staring at the stars as she whispered "sorry" making me smile  bit driving off the course of the road on to a dirt road and to the mountains of the town.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" She yelled scared as we hit bumpy rocks but i continue driving and laughing as I turn up the music. (play the music) As I start to sing I look over at Quinn taking her hand as she started to smile and sing with me. I kiss her hand smiling more as we laugh still singing to the song. I roll down the window letting her stick her hand singing the second vires while the stars brighten like their listening to us sing. Parking the car we both get out singing as the song plays. We dance around the grass and stomping out feet to the beat.

The lights of the town shines as we finish the song. Taking a breath Quinn and I look over at each other smiling like crazy. "We aren't a bad pair after all huh?" I said smiling as we sit down besides each other nodding she looks up at the sky saying "So why did you plan on taking me here?" I blush getting embarrassed of telling her but I do it anyway "I keep my eyes close on everyone in the club so u know when everyone needs someone to be there for them. Even if that person is someone I used to hate for being popular and being to everyone." She nods laughing as she rubs her baby bump. "Well Peyton you really do care about everyone in the's really nice to know you love everyone in there even if we've hurt you.....but what about you?" she asked looking over to me waiting for an answer.

"what about me?" I asked slightly caught off guard that someone besides James is asking me that. She sighs saying "You are you feeling? Is there something you're dealing with alone?" My eyes widen. "The way you're reacting I'm guessing is a yes." Quinn says smiling bit as she hit straight in the middle of the target. I stay quiet not really sure if I should tell her. She nods saying "There's no need to tell me right now or even me alone. When you're ready you can tell me and the club but don't keep it inside for so long okay?" I look down at the town letting my hair fall into my face as I nod whispering "I know...but I need the right timing to tell you guys...just not yet...but I will tell you guys before the school year ends." She smiles "anyway changing the subject Why do you have that camera?" she asked making me look down at my camera and point it towards her before taking a picture. "I like taking pictures of nature and people in nature...but I haven't been able to be taking pictures because of the glee club but when summer hits ill be taking lots of more pictures. Maybe even giving you guys some"

Quinn nods before checking the time laughing me being confused I ask "what is it" she shows me her watch "it's 2 in the morning. We should really get going" I laugh nodding as we both stand up and get into my car. Driving her back to Puck's house the porch light was on and puckerman sleeping on the swing of the porch. "Puck's a good guy even I he doesn't show it right?" I asked looking over at Quinn who was staring at Puck like he was in love. "Yeah...he is...but he can be an ass" She says making me laugh nodding. "That's true...but Quinn..." I say seriously making her turn her head to me. "hm?" she asks curiously "If you need space from this house come stay with me for awhile....okay? I'm sure Aunt Emma would be fine with that...but she can be a clean freak" I say making us both laugh again. Nodding Quinn opens her door after she kissed my cheek and said "of course and Thanks Peyton for the relaxing fun night" I nod and wait for her to walk to the porch and wake up puckerman. They both wave at me and walk into the House.

Sighing I start to drive thinking when I should tell everyone...Quinn's a smart girl but soon everyone will figure somethings up with me and that's bad.


Mister shue enter the choir room saying "All right guys today I want to talk to you about regrets. Who has some?" Rachel and Quinn says theirs while everyone else stays quiet. "We all have them. I just finalized my divorce. I regret living in a relationship that wasn't working. Letting  her put me in these deep funks and not fighting back." Mister shue says making me think of how my mother treated me. Ignoring Santana's comment I don't pay attention to anything as I continue to think about my mother.

The singing photographer (CONTINUED SOME WHERE ELSE)Where stories live. Discover now