Another 2 pranks and WTF?!?!?!

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LoloxTheFox dares toy chica to prank Ballora, Ennard, and puppet.

Toy chica: *pulls out ray gun* hey guys, what would happen if I were to pull this trigger?

Ennard: what?

Puppet: no no no no no no!! Don't pull that trigger?

Toy chica: what? I heard it's harmless.

Ballora: I got a bad feeling about that.

Toy chica: ima pull the trigger. *pulls the trigger*

Puppet, Ennard, Ballora: ahh!! *nothing happens*

Toy chica: hahaha! I told you it was fake!

hercega dares Kat, brandon, and Luna to prank everyone.

Kat: uh... there's some news everyone... we may have come across something dangerous...

Lolcram11: what did you do?

Brandon: let's just say... we came across something prehistoric...

Plushtrap: and what's that?

Megalodon: *pops out*

Everyone: oh crap!!

Luna: *shows herself, laughing* hahaha! It's just me!

FuntimeMonster5: wow. That looked so realistic

Larry: *throws foxy a camera* I regret nothing! *enters portal and closes*

Foxy: ? *sees video in the camera* WTF!?!?

Mangle; what is it?

Lolcram11: *sees camera and quickly smashes it* Don't. Tell. Anyone.


Lolcram11: either way, we forgot a place. South America! Make sure to Ask or Dare and vote!

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