Walking on legos and random attack

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CupcakeSprinklez dares foxy to walk on a pile on legos for 20 minutes without screaming.

Foxy: oh come on! Why me?!?

Yendo: here you go. *brings in legos*

Foxy: f*ck...

20 minutes later...

Destiny: congrats! You survived! How-

Foxy: *screams in pain at the top of his mechanical lungs*

Lolcram11: Damn.... if you were a saiyan, you'd power up by a lot.

FuntimeMonster5 dares someone to battle a random person.

Ennard: hm...

Lefty: *passing by*

Ennard: *attacks him*

Lefty: WTF?!? *kicks him away*

Ennard: *lands safely*

Lefty: *starts attacking him*

Ennard and lefty: *fighting until they knock each other out*

Lolcram11: wow. A double KO. Make sure to Ask or Dare and Vote!

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