My laptop!! Twisted wolf vs Ookami silver

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CupcakeSprinklez dares springtrap to break lolcrams computer without getting caught. (I have a laptop so...)

Springtrap: *looks around* no one in sight. Good. *gets his laptop and breaks it*

Lolcram11: what was that??

Springtrap: oh sh*t! *gets out*

Lolcram11: my laptop!!

RoxyEXE dares twisted Wolf to fight Ookami Silver.

Twisted Wolf: Damn It roxy! Or RoxyEXE...

Lolcram11: its aldria. And she'll be joining us

Aldria(RoxyEXE): hey.

Twisted Wolf: okay, Aldria, where is...

Ookami silver: *tackles twisted Wolf off the ship*

Twisted Wolf: shiiiii!!! *lands hard on ground and kicks off ookami*

Ookami silver: oof. A tough Wolf, huh?

Twisted Wolf: heh. You don't even know me.

Toy Bonnie: *from above* if they end up how I think they end up, I'm out of here.

Ookami silver: *brings out knives*

Twisted Wolf: what type of wolf uses kn- *gets slashed* Ah! F*ck!

Ookami silver: you left yourself open!

Twisted wolf: grr... *bites her then intercept knives away from her*

Ookami silver: *attacks him*

Twisted Wolf:*throws her off and fight continues*

Lolcram11: wait. Foxy m, where are we at?

Foxy: Russia. Why?

Lolcram11: oh boy.

Russian Soldiers: *surrounds them*

Ookami silver: hah! Like you guys scare me!

Russian soldier: in soviet Russia... *machines come out and puts a energy cage around them* Men hunt monsters.
*blasts them with powerful energy*

Ookami silver and twisted wolf: GRAHH!!

Lolcram11: sh*t. *flies down*

Russian soldiers: hm?

Lolcram11: Solar flare!! *blinds everyone then knocks them out before getting twisted wolf and Ookami silver back to the ship*

Twisted Wolf: ugh... that was painful...

Ookami silver: I...I feel like I can't go on. Like I'm out of breath.

Lolcram11: guess we now know to never mess with Russia. Make sure to Ask or Dare and Vote!

Foxy: next stop, Asia!

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