"What? What is it?" Luke asked, making Raina look at him. He must have felt something was wrong through the Force.

"I-I think I remembered something." She whispered.

"Really? What?"

"I have a private refresher..."

Luke glanced over to the door to the refresher then looked back at her. "Yes you do. And?"

"I seem to remember that only a lieutenant commander or commander would have a private refresher. It couldn't be any lower rank because they have to use public refreshers and it couldn't be a colonels or generals because their rooms aren't so small and they have more furnishings." She explained.

She looked back at Luke to see him smiling. "That's right and you just happen to be a commander." He told her.

"What rank are you?" She asked.

"I'm a lieutenant general."

Raina furrowed her eyebrows. "Then what are you doing staying in lower ranking quarters?"

"I didn't want you to have to be alone so I requested to stay in the room next to yours."

Raina looked at Luke sweetly. "You didn't have to do that. I would have been okay."

Luke smiled and shrugged. "I know, but I wanted to be near you."

Raina felt a soft smile grow on her face as she felt her heart flutter at his words.

Luke's smile faltered and he cleared his throat. "You know to uh, check up on you and uh, yeah. . ."

Raina blinked. "Oh. I see."

Luke took an audible deep breath. "Well, I should um, go and unpack. I'll come back at around six? For dinner?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

Raina stood up and nodded. "Oh yeah, yeah I'll uh see you then."

Artoo beeped happily at Raina.

She smiled. "Bye Artoo."

Luke smiled tightly and walked to the steel door. With a hiss the door slid open and closed again.

Once Luke was gone Raina released a heavy sigh she hadn't even know she had been holding. The emotions she was feeling around Luke were very strange. Very strange indeed. With a shake of her head she began to unpack.

Later that evening Luke came to get her around six just as he had said. Raina wore a green shirt, a brown jacket and black pants with black boots.

When she opened the door she was greeted by Luke dressed in a military uniform. He wore an off white uniform that looked much like his black Jedi uniform, except it had more pockets and a jacket to match.

Artoo was waiting by his side. He beeped and whistled excitedly when he saw Raina.

She giggled at the droid. "Hi Artoo!"

He beeped again in response.

Luke smiled down at the blue and silver droid, then looked up at Raina.

"Ready?" He asked.

Raina nodded.

They walked down the corridor to the elevator. They rode the elevator down to the main floor. Luke led Raina into the cafeteria.

Raina observed all the military men and woman filling

the room. It was actually quite intimidating. She felt Luke touch her for arm. She looked up and saw him nod his head forward, indicating they needed to get in line. After standing in line for what seemed like forever and getting their food the two sat down at a long table.

My Master Skywalker - Book(2) Where stories live. Discover now