S I X T E E N | F R E E D A N C E

Start from the beginning

Rosaura took Val's hand gently. "They are kids Val, of course they will like it as long as we don't fall," she added with a wink.

He laughed before pulling her into a tight hug. Rosaura let all the thoughts flood from her brain and solely focused on Val and their program. Brea entered the room minutes later, "oh, I'm sorry if I interrupted anything."

Val let go of Rosaura and gave her a gentle smile. "No, we are ready."

"Good, because everyone is seated, its time for the both of you to shine," she said.

Rosaura nodded and both her and Val stepped out of the changing room. Brea was still behind them and Rosaura handed the girl her skate guards and sweater.

"Kick some ass," Brea said.

"We will," Val said confidently before pulling Rosaura onto the ice with him.

The crowd roared as they both go into position at centre ice. When the music began, Rosaura just ignored everything and focused on the dance itself. They had practiced so many times and the moves seemed natural to her—like an extension of her body. She didn't need to think about the next step. She just knew where she needed to be.

The routine was flawless and as the last few notes filled the air, Val and Rosaura locked eyes and shared a smile. They had done it. Everyone in the audience clapped loudly and Rosaura saw there was a bouquet of flowers on the ice. She picked it up and looked at the direction in which it had come from. She saw Xavier standing on the other side, a smile on his face. Rosaura held up the flowers before retuning the smile.


The hockey game had been amazing. The crowd was totally into it, and if Rosaura really wanted to admit the truth—she was too. Xavier's team had come out on top and the kids were loving it. They chanted his name through the game and that's when Rosaura truly realized how big of a star Xavier was. Not only did the team depend on him, but so did the fans. A small part of her didn't like sharing him with so many people, but she understood it. A lot of people mistook her and Val's relationship and for him, it had caused a lot of issues in his previous relationships.

She, Val, Xavier and the rest of the hockey players were on the ice currently signing autographs for the children that had come. It was nice being around the children even if they were a bit too inquisitive. They wanted to know if her and Val were dating, to which she would promptly reply no. But they didn't stop there. They would ask if she was dating anyone else and the first time she was asked the question, she had frozen by now she would plaster a smile and tell them jokingly that it was a big secret she couldn't tell.

Rosaura looked around the ice and met Xavier's gaze. He gave her a smile and she returned it. She had been secretly watching him in between autographs and questions and she knew he loved doing this—meting with the kids brightened up his mood. It also brightened up the kid's days and it was honestly something Rosaura would always remember.

"Last couple of kids," Brea whispered in her ear before skating away.

Rosaura nodded to her before turning back to the small group remaining. Minutes later, everyone was ushered of the ice leaving her with her ice dance partner and the London Knight hockey players. Xavier skated up before pulling her into a hug.

"You were phenomenal," he whispered into the shell of her ear.

Rosaura shivered but muttered thank you. Before she could say anything else, Xavier picked her up and Rosaura shrieked.

"Let me down," she yelled from over his shoulder.

Xavier laughed. "Val does this to you all the time, why are you so sacred?"

"Val has years of training!" she quipped back.

She could see Val and the rest of Xavier's teammates laughing around them.

"Hey Val, how do you think I should throw her?"

She heard Val muttering instructions and Xavier listening closely.

Fear filled her body and she pounded his back. "Xavier Hommes, do not think about throwing me across the ice!"

She couldn't see Xavier's face, but she was imagining that he was grinning. They went a few laps around the ice before finally he let her down. Rosaura had never been happier to have her feet planted on the ice surface. With a huff she stormed towards the dressing room, but Xavier stopped her.

"Don't be mad Rose, it was a joke."

She didn't respond. He held her wrist lightly. "I'll make it up to you, we'll go for dinner.'

Rosaura pretended to be mad for a while longer. "Are you paying?" she asked innocently.

He nodded. Rosaura smiled. She had gotten him exactly where she wanted. Xavier's eyes narrowed as he realized that he had been trapped. Sensing that he was coming after her, she began to run towards the dressing room—well as fast as she could with skates. Xavier's laughter echoing behind her. 


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

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