Chapter Three

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Friday night and TenTen won't leave me alone. She keeps bugging me about what I'm going to wear, and how I'm going to wear it. God, it's so annoying.

She is currently trying to put together a 'sexy' outfit for me to wear to Sakura's. I just kept sighing, hoping she won't make up her mind so I don't have to go.

But no such luck, she made up her mind, and I have to say, it's not that bad. It's actually pretty; the only thing I don't really like is the skirt she picked out.

But I decided to wear it anyway so as not to cause trouble for myself.

She dressed quickly and we were on our way.


Sakura's house is huge. A blur of pastel colors, three garages and a whole lot of cars parked outside it, piled up against the side of the road, and all in front of its neighbors.

TenTen and I exit the car and walk over to the huge Haruno manor.

I try to walk as slowly as I can, before TenTen tells me to hurry.

Before we even rang the bell, the door opened to reveal a totally overexcited Sakura.

"Sayuri, glad you could make it!!" she exclaimed and pulled me and TenTen inside.

The music was blaring from hidden speakers in the huge living room full of people. All I could do was stare.

Even with all these people sweating and dancing, the room still smells nice.

"So, how do you like it, my best party yet" she grins at me.

"Wow" was all I could say, really.

"I know" she pulls me to a group of people; I noticed Kiba and Sasuke were there.

I sighed and reluctantly followed. Meanwhile, TenTen was nowhere to be found. She just disappeared on me, went poof!

"Sayuri, you know the crew, right?" she asked motioning to her groupe.

"Yea" I murmur, scanning the crowd for TenTen.

"Sayuri!!" I looked up just as I was wrapped in a tight hug.

I heard a quiet sigh from somewhere close by before a bored voice said, "Kiba, let her go, you're killing her"

Kiba finally let me go, letting me take a breath of not so fresh air, more like artificial roses.

"Thanks, Shikamaru" I said quietly, trying to get rid of my sudden dizziness.

He yawned in response.

How nice.

I finally took the time to look around the room, and was majorly nervous by what I saw.

There were people tripping over each other, it was obvious they were drunk.

People were sucking face all over the place, and random mistletoes all over the room, mainly hanging from the ceiling.

"So, now that you're all acquainted, have fun!!" squeals Sakura, running off somewhere.

I let out a breath and walked away to try and find TenTen; it did not go well.

You see, about three guys grabbed my butt, six tried to kiss me, two tried to rape me, and I narrowly dodged five different drinks by mere centimeters.

Yeah, I'm never coming back here again.

Just Your Average Girl [A Sasuke Romance]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα