Chapter Fifty-Four

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After that weird day, Sasuke never showed up. It’s only been a day but I still miss him. I don’t even know what he’s mad about. It’s almost as if he’s jealous or something, but I know better, Sasuke couldn’t possibly be jealous of anything, even if it has something to do with me, his lovely girlfriend. :)

That past day was not the best and I was kind of hoping Sasuke would show up so I would have a reason to ship going to the spa, and the manicure place, and the salon, and many other places with Sakura. That girl knows how to waste money!

We went to a ton of places and I got the biggest makeover since I did my first pageant when I was like three years old. For the second time in my entire pathetic life, I got my nails French manicured and some weird design on my toes. Trust me; it looked like a toddler did it. I would not have gotten this if Sakura hadn’t bribed me with a lifetime supply of chocolate.

Looking back now, I shouldn’t have taken it. I hate makeovers. I swear they plucked every bit of my beautiful natural eyebrows and burned my legs with their stupid wax!! That’s not even mentioning the other things I had to do; I had to get extensions!! I love my short hair, and I definitely didn’t want extensions just so I would be able to do a stupid up-do that doesn’t even look that great.

Fine, so maybe I ranting and maybe I wouldn’t be so mad if Sasuke was being a total butthead by not being here to bail me out if it. I also probably realize that it’s my fault he isn’t here, even though I have no idea what I did.

Anyway, hours passed and Homecoming came closer and closer, so close in fact that I soon found myself looking in my full length mirror at my white homecoming dress wondering if Sasuke would ever be able to see it.

After waiting for a few more minutes without Sasuke showing up, I decided to give up and go to homecoming with Sakura and a few of the cheerleaders. As I head out the door, I couldn’t help but look out the window one more time, wishing with all my heart that I would get to see Sasuke at homecoming. At last I sighed and walked out the door.

Maybe if I had turned around one last time or at least looked a bit longer, I would’ve seen the bright shooting star cross the already dark sky.


The ride to location of the dance probably wasn’t long, but to me, it felt like the longest five minutes of my life. While the other girls were busy being hyper and fixing their makeup and hair, all I could do was stare out the window thinking whether or not to text Sasuke.

I spent too much time thinking so by the time I had made the decision, we were already at the extremely large banquet hall. It was highly decorated and there were even bouncers and guards hanging out at the entrance. Would anyone in their right mind actually break into a lame high school dance?

As we walked to the door, I could faintly see the bouncers looking at us in that perverted way that certain guys like to look at girls, or whatever. It was extremely gross seeing as they were probably double our age, maybe even triple; I really don’t want to know.

Much to my surprise, we were able to get through the door quite safely, if you don’t count the occasional whistle and slap where the hand shouldn’t be anywhere near.

Good thing they didn’t dare touch me, because in the mood I was in, I would’ve probably murdered him the most disgustingly humorous way possible. Then again, they probably got a hint from the death glare I sent them before I walked by.

Anyway, as I entered the overly large building, the first thing I noticed was the entirely too large dance floor that was already covered with a blur of dancing people. As I look around some more, I notice a hugely long and highly decorated table filled with all sorts of snack and sweet things that I would really love to consume right now.

They were stacked in a neat and orderly manner, so much, that I even made a bet that by the end of the night, that table wouldn’t even be recognizable. As I thought about that, I couldn’t help but sigh, and it wasn’t because of the tasty looking treats that were barely five feet away from me. Almost immediately after the sigh, I realized something rather laughable, even though it’s probably nowhere near funny. I realized that I was getting depressed over one person! I truly sounded like a lovesick idiot. Still, it was laughable how one person could help me soar way past cloud nine, and yet that same person could make me crash in the hardest of ways.

Now, I would say that was foreshadowing, but I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to figure that out.


I don’t know why I feel nervous all of a sudden. So I was supposed to see Sayuri in her dress that was truly a rare occasion, but I never expected my insides to go on a rampage because of that.

The location wasn’t that impressive, though it was overly decorated. Homecoming wasn’t that important. I constantly had to keep thinking about obvious things to stop my mind from drifting to the exciting thought of Sayuri and her dress that I never got to see. All I know about it is that it’s white and short and that Naruto had already seen it.

I force myself to take a deep breath so I don’t get mad at her again or something. I met with the guys in a corner of the somewhat circular room. They looked shocked to see me; it makes sense since this isn’t exactly my location.

They didn’t stay shocked for long before they continued on their conversation that I didn’t bother joining. Instead, I kept my eyes locked on the double doors at the entrance of the ballroom. They opened many times throughout my time watching them, but only one caught my attention.

It was when Sayuri walked in the room in her short, white, somewhat frilly dress that I completely stopped paying attention to the doors. I felt frozen to the ground as absolutely all the breath I could’ve had in my body disappeared leaving me completely and utterly breathless.

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