Chapter Sixty-Five

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  • Dedicated to My Awesomely awesome readers and fans :D


She loves me?!

“And, I’m not just saying that because you said it, cause then, I would’ve said it then, but I don’t even know what I was thinking then and ….”

I turn to face her, but she’s too busy staring at the ground to notice me. So with a slight smirk, I tilt her head up to face me, “You still talk too much” I leant down hoping to taste her lips again, but instead hovered over them for a moment.

“You’re not going to scream at me again, are you? We are in public” I ask with a smirk.

She smiles slightly, before sighing. “You’re mad aren’t you?”

I stare back into her blue eyes, “Of course I am.” She looks away. “Do you know what you did to me?” she looks back at me, looking shocked that I continued.

I step away from her while trying not to think of how bare I feel now. “All I wanted was a kiss, one that wouldn’t be interrupted by Sakura. So I’m sorry if I was impatient, or if I couldn’t ‘control my hormones’, I’m still a guy.”

She blinks; “but you got your kiss.”

I just smirk, she really doesn’t get it. “And for what, to hear you say you hate me?” A tear rolls slowly down her cheek. “No thank you.”

“But I don’t hate you, I love you!” she stares at me, piercing through my soul with her bright blue eyes and for a moment, I’m tempted to say I love her too. But, I was never one to give into temptation.

“Yeah well, I don’t love you too.” More tears and I am heartbroken. I look away to keep from going to her.

Finally, with one last glance at her tears, I walk to my car without looking back.


“Yeah, well, I don’t love you too.”

To say the least, that sentence literally shattered my heart. He walked to his car without even looking back. Two waterfalls seemed to be running down my face and at this point, there’s nothing I could even hope to do about it.

It hurts; how he can just crush my heart like I’m able to make a new one. It’s embarrassing; how I’ve shrank so low that I’m actually crying in public. To make things even worse, I’m at school! But even with all that, all I’m able to do is stand here crying my eyes out like a heartbroken fan-girl. 

Through my tears, I barely notice Sakura walking over, and if I didn’t know better, I would say she looked rather sad. You would think she’d be happy.

“Sayuri…” I hastily wipe at my tears but they refuse to cease. “Sayuri, look at me.”

I turn to see Sakura looking sad yet determined. I have no idea how she pulled it off, but she sure knows how to be two things at once.

“What do you want Sakura?” I take a deep breath, trying and failing to calm my nerves.

“Let me buy you some ice cream.” She smiles at me while I look at her like she’s crazy, probably because she is crazy. “It helps me when I’m sad, it could help you too.”

I’d love to tell her to go away and rot in a hole or something, but even I know I need a friend right now, even if she’s not really my friend. I furiously wipe at my tears and sigh. Looking up, I spot Sasuke getting into his fancy black car.

“You’re supposed to be my stalker…” I murmur frowning at his retreating vehicle. Ugh, look at me, using big words like I actually know what I’m talking about.

Sighing again, I turn to Sakura. “Thanks for the offer Sakura, but I don’t want any ice cream.”

I could almost feel her smile at me, “Just because you don’t want it doesn’t mean you don’t need it.” Her smile widens into a grin as she pulls me toward her bright pink Mercedes.

I groan at the familiar feeling before smiling ever so slightly. “I can’t leave my car here.” I say as I get into the passenger seat.

She simply rolls her eyes, “You’ll get it tomorrow.” She grins and speeds off toward the familiar road to Haruno Manor.

Feeling surprisingly calm, I turn to Sakura with a question that had been eating at my brain along with thoughts of Sasuke. “Why did you freak out when you saw us… you know?”

She turns, probably startled at my sudden question but answers anyway. “I don’t know, I just…I guess I was just jealous.” She turns to me as we stop at a red light. “You were always saying how you never liked him and never planned to, yet you ended up with him.”

She sighs and continues driving. “I was the one who cheered him on at the games, and gave him all my love yet it was you who ended up with him!” she grips the steering wheel and glares out the windshield. “I wondered why he chose you and not me.”

She turns back to me as we enter the long winding driveway. “I finally found out a couple days ago.” I wanted to ask what she found out, but she continued her ‘story’ before I could utter the words.

“Guys like a challenge.” She smiles with a huff. I have no idea, so don’t ask. “It’s like a game to them; if it’s too easy, they get bored.”

She glances my way before continuing. “You didn’t notice him so he wanted to make sure you did; almost like you were a hard level in his game.”

To be completely honest, up until then, I didn’t mind that he seemed to only like me because I didn’t like him. But to think that I was simply a level to his game was not what I expected to hear.

I refuse to believe that he was playing with me all this time. I refuse to believe that all the memories we have were all fake and well planned out. I refuse to believe that he doesn’t truly love me.

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