A Mind Full of Wonder

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Vada could sense the Kin blood in the two boys and it was that feeling she focused on as she repeated his name in her mind.


It was a small experiment, but a start.

In the time she stood thinking the boy's name, she could have walked to him and set off for Riska, but exploring her powers was a task she had been neglecting.

Just as she was about to give up and proclaim the experiment a failure, the boy frowned.

'Tye...' She thought again.

He turned left and right, then his head swivelled in her direction and their eyes locked. His gaze was one of wide-eyed wonder. He waved off his friend and immediately jogged to her side.

'I didn't know you could do that!' He grinned. Tye and his friends had settled into the village well, they pulled their weight and worked hard. Even Bram had easily accepted them.

'That makes two of us,' Vada chuckled when Tye looked at her confused. 'I need to visit Riska, will you accompany me as my personal guard?'

The boy flushed and looked suddenly nervous.

'Chieftess, I'm honoured but, shouldn't it be someone more skilled, Bram or Cas perhaps?'

'You are Bram's second and you're a more than capable warrior,' Vada replied, dismissing his worry with a wave of her hand, ' let's get going, my mission is an important one.'


The visiting chiefs of the mountain tribes were still resident in Riska. Despite Han'ril's constant campaign against her and tensions running high due to multiple reports of grasslander attacks, the other chiefs were welcoming towards Vada, though she suspected their wives were a big influence in this.

As the first independent female leader, Vada had found herself more respect among the women than the men of her neighbouring tribes.

She politely greeted and conversed with the Chieftains their families that she encountered on her way through the upper village, while Tye stood beside her awkwardly.

Vada's final destination was Chief Tana'ka's grand hut. His hut was shaped like a square, with a side missing, the centre was a garden said to be his wife's pride and joy when she was alive, the chief spared no expense maintaining its beauty.

Though it was late in the afternoon Vada hadn't expected to find all of the brothers to be present and accounted for when she and Tye were shown to the Chief's throne room. Vada wondered how he managed to use a throne, she barely had a chance to sleep let alone sit.

Vada hadn't formally met all five of the brothers, the twins had been away on a diplomatic visit to one of the more northern tribes and from what she had heard Tuari hid away behind books or buried himself in the archive. He was very different from his brothers and it was said his father struggled to know what to do with him.

'Chieftess Vada, what a wonderful surprise!' Chief Tana'ka stood to stride towards her with his heavily robed arms spread wide. Vada had never seen him moderately dressed the way she preferred to be. Marin had to force her to adorn herself like some kind of bejewelled bird. The Chief took Vada's forearm and leaned his head forward, though uncomfortable with the familiarity, Vada conceded without visible hesitation. 'What can I do for you this evening?'

Vada looked at the princes and both Uldrin and Takashi began to rise, each expecting she was there to see one of them. She quickly raised her hand to stop them and turned her gaze to Tuari.

He was older than she was and though it appeared he trained his body the same way his brothers did, he didn't carry himself with the same confidence. When her gaze landed on him he looked behind himself, seeing that there was no one else for the Chieftess to look at, his eyes grew wide. His brothers were equally as astonished.

'Prince Tuari, I wondered if I may consult with you?' Vada asked politely.

'With me?' He asked, unfolding himself. He was surprisingly tall, most definitely the tallest of his brothers. When he stood to his full height he squared his shoulders and cocked his head to the side. His physique was close to Takashi's and though he was well defined, it was plain to see, when he stood alongside his brothers, that his body was not his primary focus.

Vada smiled.

'I have heard you like to read?'

Tuari flushed as his brothers sniggered. Vada was surprised to see that even Uldrin struggled to suppress a teasing chuckle.

'Chieftess Vada, if it's knowledge you seek I'm sure one of the priests can help,' Chief Tana'ka interjected, 'forgive my rudeness but Tuari doesn't like to socialise outside the family.'

'Oh, I had heard you were keen to meet me, Prince Tuari,' Vada answered, purposely addressing the prince directly, rather than his father. It was clear by the look on his face that this was a wholly new experience for him.

'I... I would like to speak to you, I have a lot of questions-'

'Tuari, your questions are inappropriate and disrespectful, she is a chieftess!' Chief Tana'ka thundered, Tuari had been standing straighter and looking more confident until that moment, suddenly he shrank again.

Takashi and Uldrin looked suddenly nervous when they saw the fleeting gleam of irritation pass through Vada's eyes. She covered it quickly with a soft smile, aimed only at the cowering prince. He didn't notice as he now looked only at the floor, despite his height he somehow looked so small and defeated at that moment. Vada's heart ached for him.

Making a snap decision she strode forward quickly, stopping in front of the prince. Even though he hung his head she had to tilt hers back to meet his gaze.

'Ask me anything,' she said gently.

He looked at her then and his eyes seemed to glow with wonder, like a child that had been given a precious gift that they would forever treasure.

'You're hot!' He burst out.

His brothers sniggered and his father groaned.

'To the touch I mean!' he corrected, flapping his hands he berated himself, 'stupid Tuari, so stupid!'

His brother's laughed openly at the display, Vada glared at them over her shoulder.

'I have a feeling you are anything but stupid,' she replied smiling, 'but what is your question?'

'You are an earth element, I am told, are the fire element Kin hotter to the touch than even you?'

'They are when they want to be.' Vada answered honestly, 'may I ask you some questions also?'

'Anything!' Tuari declared, bowing slightly and directing Vada out of the room with a sweep of his long arm.

They left in such deep conversation that neither of them bothered to say goodbye to the other princes or the chief.

Tye trotted along behind them, listening intently to their insightful conversation.

Tye trotted along behind them, listening intently to their insightful conversation

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