The Rulers of Rystwith

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Each day the siblings trained from sun up until sundown

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Each day the siblings trained from sun up until sundown. They fought one another, a safer option than training with a human partner, and slowly they gained a good understanding of their capabilities. 

Cas' lean muscle had grown bulkier, he carried himself straighter and so he seemed taller. The most important development was that his flame burned calmly, he was steady and constant like the hearth of the home that shared its warmth rather than the raging bushfire that swallowed up life in and around its path.

Often, Vada would find herself watching him as he trained, her heart swollen with pride, she would then turn to the sky and long for her lost sister, looking within herself to seek out the soul she sensed growing weaker by the day.

Of all her abilities, this one was Vada's favourite. The world came alive when she looked through her dragons eyes, she saw how life spread like spider webs across the earth, webs that she was deeply connected to and entwined within. With every passing day, her range of vision increased, meaning she was closer to that waning soul she longed to find.

She had also noticed that the energy living things radiated, presented itself in a range of colours, plant life was a dazzling white, humans and animals were a soft yellow and kin were a gentle blue.

At first, it was hard to differentiate but she had become a master of filtering out her vision. When searching for Dani she saw only two blue orbs, one always nearby the other in some unknown, far off land, small and delicate, floating on the horizon. She longed to run towards it, but she had no way of knowing how far away Dani might be, and she knew that all around their mountain home, hostile Grasslander's camped.

The Grasslander's had grown bold over the weeks that followed the Dragon Kin's re-awaking, moving through the valleys below, attacking smaller villages and seizing their young. The elders had come together to discuss the matter, and as a newly crowned Chieftess of nowhere land, Vada was invited to the summit.

Vada was about to head inside to get ready when she noticed something on the horizon, remaining perfectly still she watched as a new blue orb popped into view in the distant, dark, undefined horizon of her vision.

A moment later another orb appeared alongside it, then another and another until a whole crowd of Kin hovered together. Though the dragon had warned her that more kin would awaken, it had been so long that she had assumed that they were the only Kin left.


'So you saw a crowd of Kin, huddled together, and travelling steadily towards us?' Chief Tana'ka confirmed, stroking his beard as he spoke. His sons were in attendance at the meeting, whereas other village heirs had remained in their villages to run things in their parent's stead.

'Can't you tell where they are? Are they in the valleys or up on the mountain-tops-'

'My vision isn't so advanced, as of yet,' Vada explained respectfully to the Chief.

She looked odd among the assemblage of grown, finely dressed men. While the Chief's wore elaborate crowns and colourful robes, Vada dressed much more simply, her promotion in status hadn't prompted her to change her wardrobe in the slightest, or given her the means to do so.

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