Pierson X Reader Pt4

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I hope you guys are enjoying this because I am. The song is there because I guess it can kinda go with the story

     Everything was black. You couldn't see but you could hear faint whispers. The air was cold and you felt like you were on a bed. You heard faint beeping along with the talking. "she's waking up" you kept trying to open your eyes and slowly light started coming through. You opened your eyes and saw a nurse standing at the foot of your bed. You tried to move your head up to see where you were but you struggled and you put your head back down. "what." You said while closing your eyes again. You could speak but it was barely a whisper. The doctor moved over to the left side of your bed and sat down on a seat. "You lost a lot of blood. The knife cut pretty deep but your Sargent got you here on time where we could help you." you opened your eyes again and looked over at her. "Thanks." She smiled and got up. "I'll go tell your guests you're awake." She walked over to the door and left. You remembered what happened and seeing Pierson looking over you. You looked down at your leg and saw you were patched up. You crossed you arms because you were getting cold.
The nurse came back into the room and behind her was Daniels, Zussman, Stiles, Aiello, and Pierson. Zussman walked in weirdly. He has his hands behind his back like he was hiding something. She walked to the side of your bed "Is there anything I cant get you before I go?" yeah smiled at your friends and said "umm yeah a blanket." The nurse nodded her head and went to go get a blanket when Stiles stuck his arm out to stop her "Actually. We have a little gift for you L/N." He moved his arm "You can go." The nurse just blinked and walked away. I laughed and smiled. "So what's this little gift" you asked. Zussman then pulled his hands out from behind his back and revealed a hand made blanket."So...you like?" Zussman held it up so you could see it. "Aww yes. How'd you make it so fast?" They all looked at eachother and laughed. Daniels walked over to the edge of your bed "So. We were making this for you if there was ever a super special occasion and we decided that you surviving this shity stab was EXTREMELY special." You were so happy you started to tear up. Pierson sat on a seat next to your bed and looked down at your leg. Zussman then put the blanket over you and you pulled it up and got comfortable.
The guys all wished you luck and left. Pierson sat on the seat still with his hand holding up his head staring at your leg. "Hey Pierson." He looked up at you, not moving his hand. "Thank you." He just nodded his head. He got up, walked over to you and kissed you on the forehead. "Anytime." He said and left.
Boom. Story. Done. Okay so I'm thinking about making a new story that can either be one shots like this or a full story but it's gonna be about cod zombies. Please let me know what you think! ~J

cod ww2 one shots and requests!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن