Turner x reader

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This was requested by ShadowFox18, xIsabell_Yayx, and PeggyLaeremans

You were sitting in your tent when you heard talking outside. You walked out of the tent and saw Pierson talking to another soldier. You walked up to him "What's going on?" Pierson turned and looked at you "Turner took a small group of guys over that hill and they aren't back yet." you looked at Pierson with concern. "So what are we gonna do about it? We can't just leave him out there, what if he needs help?" Pierson went to speak but he stopped to think. "You know what, I'll take a small group and we'll go look for them and get them help if they need it. You're coming with me."
-lil time skip-
You, Pierson, Zussman, Stiles and Aiello were all out looking for Turner and his crew.

"Pierson have you seen anything?" Zussman whispered. "No but keep an eye out." he answered while moving behind a tree. "L/N and Zussman split off. You guys go there *he said while pointing to his left* and the others come with me. We meet back here in 15. Go."
You and Zussman got up and started walking. Zussman came next to you. "You think we're gonna find them?" you stopped walking and looked over at him. "I hope so. If not us then hopefully Pierson does." You both kept walking for about 5 minutes. You heard groaning and put your hand out to signal Zussman to stop walking. You pointed over to a tree where you could see someone's leg sticking out from behind it. You went around one side of the tree and Zussman went to the other side. You both came around at the same time and pulled your gun out on the person.
You gasped when you realized the person was Turner. "Oh my God!" you knelt down next to him "Turner are you alright? What happened?" you looked down at his leg and saw he was stabbed. Not only that but he was stabbed in the arm. "Zussman your first aid kit." He tossed it to you and you grabbed it. You patched up his leg and arm and you and Zussman carried him back to the meeting point. Pierson was already there along with the others.
Pierson scanned over Turner's body and saw his wounds. "Shit what happened?" he said while walking over to you. Turner slowly moved his head up. "There was a few Germans. They killed the others and I killed them before they could kill me."
"Looks like they were almost successful" Aiello said.
"Come on guys we gotta get him back and fix him up" you said.
-another lil time skip-
You came in to check on Turner. You grabbed a stool and put it by the edge of his little bed. He looked over at you and smiled "Thank you. You saved me."

(Ah look at that I'm back :) hope you enjoyed this. It's kinds short but I needed to come back with a story. Leave some requests below and I will get working!)

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