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Wow 800 views! I'm so thankful for all of your comments they make me so happy and I can't help but smile when I read them. I'm so glad you guys are enjoying these stories and I'm trying to work on them whenever I get the free time. I don't wanna let you guys down by not updating soon enough but I'm trying.
Since I don't have a story to publish yet I'll give you some stuff I've been doing (if you're even interested) so I've been watching The Man in the High castle. Its a great show I even got my mom hooked on it. I'm just waiting for season 3 and I'll binge watch it all. I've been obsessing over this YouTube channel I found its called Voiceplay and omg they are amazing. They have covers and its all just amazing I recommend you check them out. The 4th guy in the line (Geoff)  is my favorite. His voice is amazing and he can go extremely low

You should really watch this video and also the one up top. Also I reccomened searching "voiceplay cheerleader" it is absolutely amazing.

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