Aiello X Reader

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Suggested by WoahTherePartner

You, Zussman, Stiles, Aiello, and Daniels were all sitting around a fire at camp. You were eating and just having a good time. Fun inside jokes being shared underneath the stars with your new best friends. Out in the woods you guys found a perfect circle made by the trees for your fire. As the fire burns bright you look up at the sky and take in the view. It's been a while since you've had time to just relax and look at the stars.
"Hey earth to L/n" Zussman said while snapping his fingers. You took your gaze off of the sky and looked over at your friend. You smiled and rubbed the back of your neck, "sorry, it's just been such a long time since I could just relax and look up at the stars" you say while smiling.
Stiles put his food down and got up with his camera "I wanna get a photo of all of you guys so we can remember this night."
"aww okay." you said while standing up. "Can't go a day without a picture." Aiello said while also standing up.
"Stand around the fire so you guys will show up." Stiles said while pointing. We all got to one side of the fire and got ready. Zussman walked over to the fire, lifted his right leg and moved it back, leaned forward with his left and stuck his arms out like he was about to fall into the fire. He then put his feet back on the ground and let out a small laugh.
Stiles moved his camera up to his face and said "You guys need to move closer together." So we all scooted closer and got ready again but he moved his hand up and gestured for us to still get closer. We all just put our arms around each other and smiled for the picture. We heard the click of the camera and then sat back down."Why are you so flustered around L/n Aiello" Stiles said while getting back by the fire. Aiello looked concerned "What.. What do you mean?" he asked. "That is exactly what I mean. You aren't usually that shy with us what's going on?" Stiles said while picking up his canteen and drinking some water. "Nothing. I'm fine." Aiello said and he crossed his arms a little.
Stiles spit out his water at his words. "ha no. Something is different." he said and screwed the cap back onto his canteen. "Oh dang Aiello's got feelings!" Daniels said just trying to joke around. "Oh wow come on man." Aiello said to Daniels . Zussman jumped in on it and took it a little far. "Aiello's got feelings for L/N" Zuss said while laughing. "Man fuck this." Aiello got up and started walking away. You kinda laughed to yourself but then realized Aiello wasn't coming back. You quickly got up and looked over at the other guys and gave them a slightly annoyed look. "Aiello!" you called but he kept walking. You started walking and called again "Aiello!" but he just ignored you again. "Aiello I know you can hear me!" You said with your hands around your mouth to try and amplify the sound. You thought to yourself man he isn't gonna stop. You started running and didn't stop till you caught up to him. "Aiello they were just messing with you." you said panting. He stopped dead in his tracks. You put your hands on your knees and bent your head down and tried to catch your breath. "L/N that's the thing." he said. You got up and stretched your arm out. "What do you mean?" you asked. "They joke about it but they don't understand it's true." He said facing away from you. You were confused at first. "Look I just ran and I'm exhausted so I'm pretty sure I heard you wrong. Could you say that again?" he turned and faced you "You heard me."

Hey!! Look at me, I wrote a story :3 it's been a while and I'm in the mood. I've been pretty sick recently but aye I'm better now. Anyways how are you? How's life treating ya? I hope that ending wasn't bad. I'm gonna need more suggestions so leave those in the comments or message me!! (I'm not the only one who wishes that this app was a little more organized right? I wanna be able to see comments on my story then updates on story's then likes.)

cod ww2 one shots and requests!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora