for my sinners UwU

335 38 94

i made the reading list for yall and its more than i thought :)))

i want to apologize for not updating as much as i used to, im falling behind in school a bit, and im on my period so yeah 😔😤

heres our new namsisters:

welcome namsisters !💕

i saw that not very many of you nominated some namsisters, and even though im a little upset, i know that you all are leading lives of your own. your lives dont revolve around this cult. im just eager to entertain yall with an event, and an event cant take place without participation ! i would really really really appreciate it if you guys would nominate people on the last chapter.

are you going to read from the reading list i made ?


did T E A R make you die inside like it did me ?

comment your answers here !

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