1k reads + summoning day !!

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thank you everyone for getting this book to 1k reads !!!! it means a lot to me and i appreciate every one of you !

first things first, heres our new namsisters:
and a special shoutout to The_Sweetest_Peach  for reaching out and telling me that she couldnt find herself on any of the namsister lists. if anyone wlse cannot find themselves on any lists yet, please tell me so i can add you !
127 namsisters !!!

i just want everyone to know that i read all of your comments and they make me smile every day !!

also, im so happy that you want to hear my thoughts !! i have a few ideas that could give the cult a little more structure and order, as well as enjoyment for all namsisters !
i was thinking about creating a level/points system a sort of chart where every namsister can gain levels by doing things for the cult ! this is my favorite idea, but there is a down side to it. there are 127 namsisters and only one me. which means i would have to keep track, calculate, and update all 127 if not, more increasingly large numbers of people who join to keep everyone in the know and happy. now i do put a lot of effort into this book, and yes it is one of my very few joys in life. but that idea may be too much for me, keep in mind, im still in school !
another idea i have is having contests, things like sinner of the week, top supporter, most devoted, friendliest namsister, and so on !! i like this idea because it can motivate you guys to do nice things for people, and i know that when i help people, it makes me feel happy. it can also help your account gain recognition ! all contest winners will be featured in a chapter at the end of the week when i announce them.
the winners would also get to perform special tasks for the weekly summonings/rituals/spells or what other shit. this idea would give a name for when i feature the namsisters who promote the cult !! and it doesnt have to be only one winner, it can be 1-6, depending on the contest of course.

must read
here are our promoters, who have mentioned our cult to friends, family and even dogs !
thank you guys, your support is never forgotten !

now i mentioned this before, and again i dont mean to sound bitchy, but i would prefer that you guys refer to me as rainsister, leader, (or daddy 👅💦 LOLOL SORRY NO). i realize that in this book i sound professional and like ive got all my shit together. BITCH I WISH. i just want everyone to have a clear understanding of our ways, and i want it to be fun as well.

tonight we shall go forward with the summoning of our lord.

who has what they need ?

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