You woke up to the sound of your alarm going off. You stretched, feeling better now that you were finally able to sleep. You clicked the button on the alarm and then just sat on the bed, spacing out while staring at nothing until your phone rang shortly afterwards. It was Ara.

"Hey, bestie, you need to tell me all the details now!"
"You didn't forget, did you?!"
"I honestly have no idea what you're talking-"
"Oh...... Yeah. That."
"So hurry up and tell me!! I'm curious to know what happened between you and Jay!"
" I have to?"
"I didn't wait six hours to hear that you don't feel like telling me, you're gonna tell me either way!"
"(Sigh.....) fine........."

"So, my brother took me to the cafe and there was this huge group of people that just so happened to have Jinhwan and Chanwoo in it. We all freaked ourselves out, but once we explained everything, we just continued to hang out."
"Is that it? Did Jay do anything? Say anything? Anything at all!"
"Well of course he did, dingus! He bought me a drink......"
"I mean, it was just a regular drink."
"What else?"
"I can sense that you're getting nervous, WHAT DID HE DO?! Did he smile at you, wink at you, hug you, KISS YOU?!"
"Calm down, Ara! Of course he didn't k-kiss me, are you stupid or something.....he only told me that I looked pretty...."

You heard Ara squeal over the phone.

"Omigod, WHAT."
"Um....well to be specific he told me that I I was the prettiest out of all the girls he met...."

Ara choked.

"And um, he did actually hug me that day...."

Ara gasped, and you could practically hear the smile that was probably spreading across her face.

"........more than once."

The next thing you knew, you heard a huge thud over the phone and the sound of the phone falling onto the floor.

"Ara?! Are you ok?!"

Ara was laughing and squealing like a total maniac.


Your mouth dropped. You haven't even thought about that. The more you thought about it, the hotter your face felt.

"W-What are you talking about, he doesn't like me!"
"Of course he does! You didn't tell me about the hug yet!"
"Well, we were watching a horror movie at my house."
"And...I might scared the crap out of during it."
"Shut up!"
"WAIT WAIT WAIT, sorry, sorry, please continue!"
"(Sigh) I'm gonna regret telling you all this."
"It's fine, I'll make fun of you later!"
"So.....I also might have kept on mashing my head into Jinhwan's arm everytime there was a jumpscare."

"Hey! That's not the point here! I'm trying to tell you how he put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him whenever I flinched!"
". . . "
". . . "
" okay-"
"What do you mean what?"
"He did what?!"
"He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer whenever I flinched!"

What proceeded was probably the longest gasp you had ever heard from Ara.

"I think I'm going to faint."
"Please, don't. You need to tell me what it means!"
"It means he likes you, dummy."
"No he doesn't!"
"Just think about it, you don't see me or any of your other friends hugging you because you're scared of a movie!"
"My brother does it!"
"But he's your brother. None of your friends would ever do that, but he did! And you've only known each other for less than a month!"
". . . "

You thought for a moment.

"Crap, you're right."
"See? I told you I'm always right."
"So you really think that he.........likes me?"
"Yes. Absolutely yes. But you know what I also realised?"
"You really do like Jay! AHA! I KNEW IT!"
"I mean, I thought we already established that, but ok."

"And also, you like Chanwoo, don't you!"
". . . "
"(Sigh.) Well I can't say that I don't."
"You're not the one laughing now, are you!"
"Well, we're both in the same situation now, so you need to support me since that's what I'm going to do!"
"I guess so...."
"So yeah, I guess that's it, then."

And with that, your phone call with Ara ended. You leaned against the bedframe and sighed. Was it really true that Jinhwan might like you? Just the idea of it made your heart race. You found yourself smiling as you stared at the picture of Jinhwan on your phone. Your smile faded away. was no way. Don't be silly, he's your P.E. teacher for goodness sake. You huffed and put your phone on the lamp table beside your bed. Looking around your room for no apparent reason, the calendar hanging on the wall caught your eye.

When was Valentine's Day?

Adrenaline Rush (iKon Fanfic) Jinhwan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now