Hello {D.M}

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Avari Joly shakily pulled open her windows and smiled cheerfully at the sky

"Hello! How are you!"

When no reply came, her eyes looked down at the floor. She thought: I'm alone between the walls in this tower, there is no one but me. Daylight shone through the windows, accompanying the rain that drizzled down, almost unnoticeable. The ticking of the nearby grandfather clock was the only way she could pass her time. Occasionaly she would see a platinum haired boy fly by on his broom and land in the balcony under hers. Sometimes she would hear him crying. Sometimes he would be followed by another boy, who would comfort him. She learnt that his name was Draco. Avari was like a clockwork doll, every 6 hours, a man who went by the name Albus Dumbledore would appear in her room with another woman, Madam. Pomfrey and feed her medicine and give her injections. They didn't cure her of her illness, they only helped. Without the medicine, she was dysfuctional. She didn't work.

She never left her room, but her room would bend at her will. If she wanted to go diving, she would be underwater, if she wanted to go hiking, she'll be at the perfect hiking spot. Only Dumbledore and her could change it back to it's original space for her to take her imagination. She took a deep breath before she looked down from her window, and like she hoped Draco Malfoy leaned over the balcony watching the sun set. She took a deep breath

"Hello? Draco Malfoy?"

The boy gasped and looked around, before retreating

"No! Please come back! I just want to talk to you!"

Draco slowly walked back to the balcony and looked around

"Up here Draco!"

Draco looked up and his eyes widened when he spotted Avari. He frowned

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"I'm Avari Joly."

"I've never seen you around here"

"I'm really ill so Dumbledore tutors me in here"

"How..how did you know my name?"

"I see you a lot. Especially when the sun sets."

Draco looked uncertain before he dissapeared. He didn't come back that night.

"Please come back tomorrow! I'm so bored up here!"

The sun had already fully set. Avari sighed. She just scared away the only person who could offer her entertainment. But she knew from watching cartoons that there were people like this, who were afraid of something but they kept it bottled up inside them.


"Over here Professor"

Dumbledore removed the peaceful environment of her imagination from the room

"Are you ready?"

"I don't think I really have a choice Professor"

Dumbldore looked into her eyes and nodded

"Let's get this over with, shall we?"

Avari sighed, and closed her eyes, relaxing her body

"Poppy, you can come in here now"

Madam. Pomfrey walked in and put her bag down. She removed the now empty IV bag from it's rack and replaced it with a new one. Then she poured in a potion and held the tube over the hole on Avari's wrist. 

"Are you ready Avari?"

Avari nodded, and Madam Pomfrey put the IV tube into the hole. At first nothing happened, then Avari gasped, her eyes wide open but glazed over before she fell into a deep sleep. 

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