Chapter 33: Welcome Home

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       Today I decided to make breakfast for everyone, since the voice has been rather quiet I was left with my own thoughts. I prepared the dishes and brought them out just as everyone gathered in the dinning room. Kali was both surprised and grateful, but she was even more surprised when I told her about Sienna asking my out and told her about going to a local grill later for lunch.

       Blake was trilled to go, Raven though was acting like Raven and didn't seem that interested but went anyway. After some morning training we all headed out to meet up with Sienna, who couldn't for the life of her dress in anything else then her normal outfit. It was an outdoor restaurant, each table had its own grill that you could cook on.

       We all sat down and though things between me and Sienna were silent, we did manage to talk about how Blake's training was going. I was looking around when I noticed a guitar in the corner of the bar, I got up saying I was going to get a drink and went over to the bartender.

(F/N): "Hey."

Bartender: "How can I help you?"

(F/N): "I was wondering about that guitar."

Bartender: "Oh that? Some people come by and play music, usual give them a free meal if they're good. You want a shot at it?"

(F/N): "Sure." I grabbed the guitar and sat down on one of the bar stools, plucking a few of the strings.

Third Person POV

Raven: "What is he doing?" The others faced where she was looking and saw (F/N) holding a guitar.

Blake: "Is he going to play?" (F/N) started strumming a sad tone.

Kali: "I think so."

(F/N): "You were left in the cold, you were all alone, you didn't know Dust from gold... (Small Time Skip over (F/N)'s life story told in song do to the writers inability to write a full song.) ...and now you wonder, where is home~"

       The crowd that had gathered while he was playing applauded him, but he wasn't in the mood to celebrate. He put the guitar back and walked over to Blake and gave her a hug before stepping back, much to the others' confusion. He started walking when Sienna grabbed his shoulder.

Sienna: "What's going on?"

(F/N): "War." He said in a cold tone.

Raven: "You leaving to go fight them?" He clenched his fist.

(F/N): "No, I'm leaving to finish what I start." He took Sienna's hand off him and held it. "Then I'll come back."

       (F/N) let go of Sienna and continued to walk off, focusing on Salem's domain, eventually finding himself walking the barren lands of that place. All around him red eyes stared at him, but he didn't even look, which pissed one of them off. Delta jumped at him, swinging her giant sword down on him, hitting the ground where he stood while (F/N) teleported back away from her. The serious look on his face annoyed her, she started running at him, others joined in and tried to surround him.

       Off in the distance Salem watched as her 'son' fought his own family. (F/N) had remembered everything, their moves, their team attacks, everything he taught them from training. Mu took out a hidden dagger from her back and attempted to stab him in the back while he blocked Nu's spear. (F/N) anticipated the attack and grabbed Mu's arm, breaking it and throwing her at Nu as the rest of them tried to come up with some sort of attack plan.

       In the end they went with the heads on approach and attacked wildly, though it made predicting them more difficult, (F/N) had spent years watching over them, he knew them as well as they knew themselves. He was not just their leader or their brother, he was a part of them. Tired of the senseless fighting Salem came to the fight, where (F/N) had all but shown that he was not their equal, but instead their better.

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