Chapter 23: For Better Or Belladonna

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As the days go on I can't help but miss Velvet and the others, I'm more worried about them than I am of my current situation. I was standing outside on the upper deck watching the sea from the guardrail, a few kids could be heard playing, I felt a slight tug on my shirt and looked behind me. It was one of the kids, a girl with short grey hair, her hands and some of her veins were grey as well.

(F/N): "Is something wrong?"

Girl: "I was wondering what type of Faunus you were."

(F/N): "I'm actually human." She took a step back, I lowered myself to her level. "One of the good humans."

Girl: "Really? Mom and dad told me there weren't any."

(F/N): "There are bad humans out there, but that doesn't mean there aren't some good."

Boy: "Hey, Trifa! Come on!" A boy with bat wings called for her from the front of the ship.

Trifa: "Coming!" She looks back to me. "Have a good day mister."

(F/N): "You too." I get up and watch her run over to the other kids.

Salem: "Hmm, I've been thinking. If you taint the ships water supply with your blood-"

(F/N): "No." I look back out to sea.

Salem: "At least it would be something to do."

(F/N): "It's strange that there haven't been any Grimm."

Salem: "They are waiting. Get prepared in the event that they attack at night."

I stretch my arms over my head and start walking to my cabin when the boat suddenly rocked. I ran to the front of the ship and saw the kids on the ground scare as a lager eel-like Grimm raised its head out of the water. It dove its head at the children but me and another large man stopped it, holding the creature back.

(F/N): "Get the kids out of here now!"

Man: "What about you?!"

(F/N): "Just do it!" I heard the sound of gunfire, the Grimm moved its head back. "Go!"

The man runs to get the children away, while I created a summoning circle beneath me. I summoned a flock of Nevermores which circled the large Grimm and attacked it with feathers. I ran at it, leaping onto it and sinking my claws into it. Climbing my way up as it thrashes trying to dodge the Nevermores and gunfire. I hold on as it takes a dive into the sea, the water rushes over me with great force. I wasn't used to holding my breath and the deeper it went the greater the pressure became. I tried to focus, to envision the ship and teleport there, I fell on the deck gasping for air. The man from before came back and helped me stand.

That was when the boat rattled again, I looked off to the side and saw it rise from the water once more, only for the Nevermores to circle back and attack again. I see a large narrow cannon rise from below deck, standing on my own and creating another circle, this time bringing out a large form of the nine-tailed cat Grimm. It wraps its tails around the eel Grimm and tries to hold it in place as the cannon lines up the shot. One direct hit puts a large hole into the eel Grimm, sending it to the depths of the ocean as it dissolves. My Grimm vanish as I turn back to the man that helped me up, he had dark black hair and a beard. He had a dark violet coat which was open, slightly exposing his hairy chest.

Man: "Your eyes." He sounded shocked.

(F/N): "Yeah, they're like Grimm. The names (F/N) (L/N), thanks for helping me up."

Ghira: "Ghira Belladonna, and I should be thanking you."

Salem: "It seems you've met a family member of Blake."

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