Hang Out

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Adam's POV

We walked back into mall to meet Jack and his friends. When we got to the dojo Bree knocked on the glass door.

"Hello?" Chase said.

"Chase they're inside, they won't hear us." I said.

Wow he's dumb. I even knew that.

"Adam, I'm pretty sure they heard Chase and I." Bree responded.

Kim opened the door and inside it looked like a party. I only knew half the people there. There was Jack, Kim, Milton, Jerry, Brody, Sloane and OH MY GOSH BRODY AND SLOANE LOOK LIKE BREE AND CHASE!

"Does Jack have a twin?" I whispered to Chase.

"Omg Chase, Jack has a twin." Bree whispered.

"Dude you never told us you had a twin." I told Jack.

The weird scrawny kid, Milton, started screaming like crazy.


Yeah un-biological, big word.

"What does un-biological mean?" I asked looking at Chase.

"Ok, twins not the same!" Chase yelled.

"You do know I'm right here." I said.

You could hear laughs in the crowd. Everyone sat in a huge circle. Surprisingly everyone fitted. Jack said to sit in a circle so we can know each other better. The first group of people stood up. I even remembered their names. Cece has ginger hair, Rocky is a little taller than Cece, Logan looks exactly Jack, and Flynn is just really short. Even shorter than Chase. Finally Chase is taller than someone.

Then Jack's group stood up. Too many to describe. There's Jack, Kim, Milton, Jerry, Brody, and Sloane. Obviously I already met them. Now it was our turn.

"I'm Adam the oldest out of my siblings and strongest person you'll ever meet."

"I'm Chase Davenport, the smartest person you'll ever meet, ever."

"Gezzzz Chase we know!" I said in annoyance

"I'm Bree"

"And I'm Leo Dooley."

These introductions took a long time. After that we played Truth or Dare.

Bree's POV

We started playing Truth or Dare, Jerry went first.

"So Rocky Truth or Dare?"


"Would you date me?" He said with enthusiasm.

"Nice try, but no." Rocky said with a smirk.

Wow hitting on someone already. Player much?

"Chase Truth or Dare." Rocky said.


"Have you stolen anything?" Everyone got super quiet and close.


I was shocked. Mr. Goody-two-shoes has done something bad. I wonder what has he stolen before. He never told me he's stolen anything.

"Chase what did you steal?" I leaned next to him.

"Actually it was borrowing without asking, but it was Mr. Davenports files that I took." Chase explained to me.

"What are the files about?"

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