How he asked you on a date-

You had yet to talk to the hand of the king since your collision that night but you couldn't get him out of your head. You hated yourself for being so drawn to the lion but you couldn't help it. One day after a brunch with Olenna and Margaery Tyrell as well as Sansa. You returned to your chambers panning to finish your book you found a box on your bed. suspiciously you opened it finding a parchment and three beautiful dresses the one on top was beautiful crimson red and gold dress and another which was red, white, and blue and lined with shiny diamonds on the white, the last one was a grey, white, and black. You gasped at the three dresses. You picked up the note that read:

Dear Lady Y/N Stark,

I know I ruined your dress the other night I decided to pay you back three hundred percent. I was also wondering if you wouldn't mind joining me for dinner in my study tonight? I understand if you do not wish to join me but please give me a chance to win you over. If you are interested my lady meet me in my study at sundown. I am sorry if this is too formal or not formal enough I have never done anything like this before.

                                         Yours sincerely,

                                                                        Tywin Lannister

You smiled at the letter before looking out the open doors of your terrace. You decided you should probably start getting ready so you called for your sister and your handmaiden.

Your first date-

You had chosen to wear the crimson red and gold dress. Your hair was curled down your back and makeup was done to perfection. You knocked on the door timidly. You were late. You had gotten into a huge fight with your sister when you had told her of your growing affection. She called you a traitor and said you were betraying your family. You let it slip about a few traitorous acts she performed against house Stark knowing how much she regretted it and it would hurt her. She stormed off and you stormed off after her. You fixed the problem but were late getting ready. You were met by an angry growl of, "Come in." You opened the door slowly revealing yourself to the powerful man. "Y/N you came," He said flashing you a rare smile. "Yes I am sorry I am late I meant to come on time but my sister and I had a disagreement I had to fix it plus," You started looking down and blushing a deep shade of red before finishing, "getting ready took a little longer than anticipated." "Well I am glad you came by the way you look breathtaking my lady," He compliments. "Thank you, my lord, you look wonderful as well," You compliment looking him up and down. "Thank you Lady Stark," He thanks before adding, "Um my apologies I thought you weren't coming and sent everything away would you mind waiting for a little while I have some reset it," He explains. "I don't mind at all," You confirm sending him a small smile that made his heart race. He opened the door and called for his squire. The squire quickly appeared asking, "What can I help you with my lord?" "Get a table and two chairs set on my terrace set the table for two grab me a jug of wine and dinner for two," Tywin demanded.  "Yes my lord," The timid boy responded running off. He closed the wooden door and motioned you to sit on a cushioned seat. You sat down and he pulled a seat up to sit by you. Surprisingly after a few moments, the awkwardness left you two. You were laughing and talking. When the table was set you both glided to the table and enjoyed your meal and conversation. Tywin walked you back to your room his hand was placed on the small of your back the whole way to the door you stopped leaning against the door frame a smile on both of your faces. "I have had a wonderful time my lord thank you for inviting me," You thank. "It was not a problem I have enjoyed my evening with you I am thankful you came," He admits. The smile dropped from your face and was replaced by a serious expression. "My lord,"   You start. "Tywin Y/N call me Tywin we have discussed this," He cut off. "Tywin what are your intentions with me I have had an incredible time and I wish to have more like it I have really grown to like you and I hope you feel the same but if I have mistaken your intent please tell me now," You semi begged. He took your hands in his and smiled at you. "Y/N I am not a man of emotion I love my family but they would never know that but Joanna knew I loved her with every piece of me after her I never even thought of a woman yeah I bedded a willing lady or a whore every now and then to please my needs but I never even cared an ounce about them you, on the other hand, I have yet to even kiss you and you are stuck in my mind constantly driving me insane with the smiles and laughs I see you give everyone that is not a Lannister or Baratheon I am honored you would even give me your time tonight I pray to the gods for more time with you I feel strong feelings for you and I wish to explore them if you are willing," He explained. "I would be honored to explore these feelings with you," You accept. He leaned forward you expected him to press his rough lips against your soft ones but instead, he kissed your cheek and pulled away, "I will see you on the morrow Y/N find me when you have time I look forward to seeing you again," He dismisses before walking away. You entered you chambers prepping yourself for sleep. You could not remove the smile from your face.

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