Chapter 20

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Blake smiled as he laid Sadie down on the bed. He had struggled to keep her awake long enough to eat dinner. Blake had chuckled to himself watching Sadie's body shut down until she clonked out, half chewed pizza still in her mouth. Blake pulled the sheet up to her chin and gave her forehead a soft kiss. Her cheeks was filling with colour again and he had a feeling she would be just fine in the morning, after a good nights sleep.

"Sweet dreams Baby." He whispered, giving her one last kiss and closing the door half way.

Blake went back in to the darkening living room and sighed when he didn't see his wife. He could hear her moving around in their bedroom, so he let her be and went to clean up the mess they had made at dinner. Once the dishes were in the dishwasher, he threw out the ruined food he had burned earlier and scrubbed the pots and pans clean. Blake took the leftover pizza and wrapped it up on a plate in the fridge, before he folded the empty box and shoved it in to the recycling bin out the back.

Once the bench was wiped down and Blake had turned the dishwasher on, he switched the lights off, locked up the house and headed back to his room. He knew from experience that sick Miranda could be moody and irrational, so he wanted to get her to sleep, in the hopes that she would wake up less nauseas and vomity.

Blake pushed the door open and frowned when he saw that Miranda was curled up on her side, her hands clutching her stomach. She wasn't crying, but Blake could tell by the way her legs were strained that her stomach was acting up.

"You okay?" He asked as he switched the lamp on and sat down on the bed, placing his hand on her back. Miranda opened her eyes and nodded.

"My stomach feels weird." She said with a sigh and Blake frowned, beginning to rub her back in circles as he propped himself up next to her.

Miranda moaned and closed her eyes as she tried her best to relax in to the bed. The rhythmic rubbing of her Husbands strong hands was settling her body, but her mind was wondering. Blake stayed quiet, figuring she was trying hard not to vomit again, but when she shot her eyes open, Blake raised his eyebrows.

"You okay? You want me to get a bucket?" He asked quickly, pulling back. Miranda shook her head and steadied herself, taking deep breaths.

Blake gave her a minute to pull herself together, before she settled back in to bed and Blake looked down at her, frowning when he saw how miserable she looked.

"Honey, if you don't feel better in the morning I want to take you to the Doctor." Blake said gently, knowing how stubborn she could be and Miranda frowned.

"I'm okay, I'm just seasick." She mumbled, her eyes closing and Blake shook his head.

"It shouldn't last this long. Sadie got seasick too and she's looking much better now. She just needs a good sleep." He argued gently and Miranda sighed.

"Maybe I'm not seasick." She eventually admitted in a small voice and Blake was glad she was finally coming around, but he didn't get what she was trying to say.

"I think you might have a stomach bug. If I take you to the Doctor, they can.." He started to ramble but Miranda shook her head.

"I don't have a stomach bug." She interupted, her eyes still closed and Blake sighed, assuming she was in denial. She would never admit to being sick, it was one of the very few things he didn't like about her.

"Well something is making you nauseas." He tried to convince her, "Honey, you threw up on yourself twice today, something's wrong. We'll go see the Doctor when we wake up."

Miranda sighed again and knew he wasn't going to give it up, unless she either agreed with him or told him what she was thinking.

"I don't think I have a stomach bug." She said again and Blake was about to argue, when Miranda opened her eyes and looked up at him, raising her eyebrows and tilting her head to indicate that he needed to think about it.

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