Chapter 2

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The next day, Blake tried his best to cater to his Wife and Daughter's every need, determined to start this vacation off on a good note. After they had all eaten some toast for a late breakfast, Miranda headed upstairs to pack her bag while Sadie followed after her and sat on the bed to try and 'help', but she was doing nothing but ask Miranda endless questions about their trip, questions that had been answered countless times already.

While Blake was upstairs grabbing Sadie's packed bag, he heard his daughter's shrill voice speak up again.

"Momma? When can we leave?" She asked again and Blake could hear Miranda sigh loudly, beginning to lose her patience. Sadie was in a phase where she asked hundreds of questions a day and Blake could sense that his wife was growing weary of her new fad after spending so long without any time off. Blake decided he needed to intervene, so he walked in to the room and snuck up on Sadie, grabbing her sides and making her shriek in alarm and then laugh loudly as Blake lifted her up and tickled her sides. When she was almost crying in laughter, Blake stopped the tickling and put her on his hip.

"Come on Babe, let's go and make lunch." He said cheerfully as Sadie pulled herself together and Blake noticed the very small grateful smile his wife was shooting his way out of the corner of his eye.

While Blake took Sadie downstairs, Miranda threw a few more a pairs of shorts in her suitcase, along with 3 sundresses and some shirts. After digging through her clothes some more, Miranda found a nicer dress that she was hopeful she would be able to wear if Blake took her on a date and also threw in sandals, flats and flip flops.

Once she made sure she had enough underwear and bra's, Miranda reluctantly grabbed 2 swimsuits from one of her drawers and put them on top. One was a one-piece that tied up as a halter neck, and the other was a two piece that she didn't think she would be comfortable wearing, but she wanted to bring anyway. When she had packed a few cover-ups, Miranda zipped up the suitcase and put her toiletry bag in the side pocket.

When her suitcase was done, Miranda looked over to the doorway to find Blake's packed bag and she listened carefully to make sure he and Sadie were downstairs, before she tip-toed over and very slowly unzipped it, relieving the mess inside. Miranda wasn't even sure why she was looking, but something was forcing her to dig through his things. She dug through the t-shirts, jeans and shorts he had packed, before she moved his boxers out of the way and sighed when nothing looked any different to what she had expected. She was just about to pack everything back in when she grabbed his sneakers and frowned when she felt something hard inside.

She listened one more time to make sure Blake and Sadie were in the kitchen, before she stuck her hand in and pulled out a small box, anger welling up inside her when she held in in her hands and realised what it was. Condoms. Miranda hit her fist against the floorboards in fury as she opened it up and saw the packet was full. After all the problems they were having to try and conceive, what the hell was he doing packing condoms?

Miranda took a deep breath to try and pull herself together and stuffed all of Blake's belongings back in the suitcase, before she zipped it up and put it back next to the door where she had left it. She kept the condoms and threw the packet in her handbag. She wasn't going to let that go, but with Sadie in the house with her Husband, that confrontation was going have to wait until later.

Miranda rubbed her hands over her face and made sure she had pulled herself together, before she heard Blake call her name from downstairs for lunch. As she put her packed bag next to Blake's, she took one last look at the handbag that held the packet of condoms, before she headed downstairs and managed a smile when she saw her Daughter was running over to her.

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