Chapter 29 - Shots

Start from the beginning

"Well that's reassuring," I muttered.

The girl turned to me, "Did you say something?"

I shook my head. After another glance at the sleeping kid, and a thought about how he had not moved since I had first arrived to the school, I asked, "Isn't there any way to wake him up?"

The girl sighed. "There probably is," she said, "but I'm no doctor. I wouldn't know for sure."

"What if you just like... hit him really hard?"

She seemed to think for a moment. "I mean I'd certainly wake up with a good slap to the face. And it's not like he's sustained any brain damage; he's just asleep because he's a jackass. It's worth a shot."

"I wasn't honestly being serious-"

She walked back over to the bed. "Lanny, wake up!" she yelled, slapping the poor kid on the forehead. To my surprise, his eyes snapped open. He grabbed the girl by the wrist and yanked her forward. She fell on top of him.


"Sorry!" Marigold exclaimed, quickly standing back up. "I was just trying to wake you up! You've been asleep for days!"

He groaned sitting up. His eyes fell on me, but he paid me no attention. "Where's Aria? Was she okay? I wanna see her."

Marigold was quiet for a second. "After Rana came and got us from the mansion, we brought Aria to the hospital. She was fine, but after they released her, Rana was pissed." She laughed nervously. "Aria got suspended for leading such a dangerous expedition. She won't be back until next Thursday."

Lanny groaned again. "Mari?"


"Please get out. I'm tired; I wanna rest."

"But you just slept for like three days-" she protested.

"Mari," he repeated, "get out."

Marigold was silent, but did as she was told. I was left standing awkwardly at the foot of Lanny's bed. He turned to me. "What's your name?"

I glared at him. "That's not your business."

It didn't seem to faze him. He pointed to a cabinet on the far side of the room. "Do me a favour? Get me the brown bottle and the vial of orange shit from in there."

Hesitantly, I went and grabbed the items. The vial of orange liquid didn't have a label, but the brown bottle read "hydrogen peroxide disinfectant." It was about the size of a two-litre pop bottle. As I made my way back to the bed, I saw that Lanny had somehow procured two tiny glass cups. 

"Drink the orange one- it'll help with your wound," he instructed, "and give me the brown bottle."

I handed him the bottle, but decided against drinking the vial of liquid.

People are dangerous.

To my surprise, Lanny popped the lid off the disinfectant bottle, and started pouring it into the shot glasses on his bedside table.

"I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to drink that," I pointed out.

He looked me directly in the eye. His turquoise eyes looked dead. "It's not hydrogen peroxide. It's vodka." He poured a second shot and held it out for me to take. "I've been awake for a whole seven minutes and my life is already falling apart."

Reluctantly, I took the shot from him and downed it in one gulp. The familiar sting returned to my throat. It felt good.


Several shots later, we were both intoxicated out of our minds. After drunkenly spilling his entire autobiography to me, I had concluded that Lanny's life had sucked just as much as mine.

"So now I'm stuck with this bitchass PTSD," he finished, "and I've resorted to alcoholism because my meds don't do jack shit."

"Dude aren't you a doctor?"

"I'm a disappointment, that's what I am," he slurred. "This was a mistake. I can't handle alcohol very well."

I laughed. "Your face is super red. You're a tomato."

"It's not!" he exclaimed, knocking the open vodka bottle onto the floor. "Oh shit!"

The door opened, and Rana, their teacher, entered. "What the hell is going on in here?"

Lanny started to visible tear up. "I spilled my vodka," he whined, voice breaking.

Rana looked shocked. "Are you guys drunk?!"

"I'm not...fuckin' drunk..."

"Yeah, I bet." She walked over to a small fridge in the corner and pulled out two bottles of water. She shoved one into my hand and directed me back to my bed. "Drink your potion and then have your water. It'll help you feel better later on."

I didn't object, but I didn't conform either.

She walked back around the curtain to where Lanny was resting. I didn't drink the potion, nor the water, but instead I chose to lie down and get some rest. I could hear Lanny crying, and Rana talking quietly to him, trying to calm him down.

The next morning I wouldn't remember anything about his backstory. I would however, remember deciding that it was worth being his friend.

A/N-- Heyo!

Guess who actually updated within a reasonable amount of time!

Ally, that's who.

Long story short, I'm still ignoring my homework after having exactly four (4) emotional breakdowns, so yeah I'm definitely making good life choices here.

You get a filler chapter out of it, so you really have no right to complain.

Anyways I'm sick of playing the same five songs on repeat so I'm gonna go.


~Allyson (Serendipity742)

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