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If you haven't figured it out yet, breathe.
There's no need to rush. Take your time like there's no one depending on you. You need to take things slow if you can't do it fast.
Stop for a minute. Think about the reasons why you're going to do such a thing. Will it do you good? Will it lessen the burden? Ask questions to yourself not to confuse you but to make things clear. Then start looking for answers.
Don't stay in one corner. Roam around. Find an inspiration. Motivate yourself. No one is going to do it but you. Start today if you can. Start building your own path if you're sick and tired of following the same boring roads they promote to be genuinely happy.
Be an author even though you're not a good writer because you need to write down your life, not the life that you were obliged to wish for because that's what people wanted, but the life that gives you pure joy. A life with infinite freedom. A life that you can control because it's yours.
Clear your steps. You don't need trashy people lying around in your stepping stones. Segregate everything. Learn to say no. Too much negativity cause stress and can ruin your life. Don't let these garbage stay in your path.
Always have a pause and breathe.

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