I noticed

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I noticed everything.

From the way you acts down to every single detail of your personality. It was me who knows you best. I knew how much you hate your sister's cooking but you never did say it to her because she might throw a tantrum. I knew how much time you spend every night just by merely looking at the stars wondering what could could have had happend. I also knew how much you resent your father for leaving your mother with a child in her belly. I noticed whenever you frowns every time you see your mom rereading letters from him. I noticed how much time you spent in your best friend's timeline, not having the courage to apologize after so many years. I noticed when you tried to distant herself from me and the others. It was always been me who notice what's not going right.

It was me.

I noticed all of it yet I never said something. I've let everything be in the same order. Never once did I try to help you because I thought you can do it. You're a grown up so I expected you can deal with everything on her own but I didn't notice that you are in need of me. I forgot that even grown ups needed someone. I didn't notice that I'm slowing losing the love of my life when I've let you fight in a battle alone.

I'm supposed to be with you, always. I should be the one pushing and helping you to make your life a little bit better. You are suppose to lean on me when your sight is getting blurry. You are suppose to cry on me when things get tough. You are suppose to come to me but you stopped. You've stopped depending on me. You've stopped remembering that I exist. You've stopped everything even the only thing that's keeping us together. You've stopped loving me.

I noticed and I wish I didn't only notice.

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