When she stepped out, Miranda dried the drips from her hair and brushed it out, figuring it would dry in no time. Once she had opened up her suitcase, she put her clothes in to the drawers and pulled on clean underwear and a plain white bra. It was still warm, so she put on a light green sundress and headed back out in to the living room.

After having a cold shower and lowering her body temperature, Miranda was feeling a little better, so she poured herself a glass of icy water and opened up the fridge to work out what to do for dinner. She smiled when she searched through the food. It had taken a long time, but her Husband had finally got the hang of grocery shopping. She pulled out a few veggies, some chicken breast and 3 corn on the cobs.

Once her hands were washed, Miranda saw Blake's phone on the bench and unlocked it, before going through his music and putting it on shuffle so she had some company while she prepared dinner. When she had John Mayer playing softly in the background, Miranda searched through the drawers and cut up the chicken in to cubes, before she pushed them on to skewers with chunks of tomato, capsicum and mushroom. She found a bottle of marinade and let them soak.

Just as she was about to strip the corn, Miranda jumped when she heard Blake's phone chime and washed her hands off on a t-towel, before she picked it up to check the message. She was expecting it to be his Mom or Sister, checking up on their holiday, but she sighed in frustration when she saw who the message was from.

Brandon had texted him and Miranda knew that meant business. She knew she shouldn't do it, but she just couldn't help herself. She swiped her finger over Brandon's notification and entered Blake's passcode, before the message popped up on the screen.

'Blake, give me a call when you can. Something has come up for the end of the week.'

Miranda hit her hand on the counter and read the message a few more times. She wasn't angry at Blake, she knew realistically that he couldn't help if Brandon texted him, but she hated the idea that Blake might get caught up in business when this was meant to be a week for their family to reconnect.

She picked the phone back up and looked around, before she bit her lip and deleted the message, knowing it was wrong, but not really caring. Whatever Brandon wanted Blake to do could wait.

Miranda sighed and turned the music back on, before she tried to pretend none of that happened and picked up the corn to strip. She washed the corn and her heart beat a little faster when she heard Blake encouraging Sadie as he half dragged her back up to the front porch. He had the cooler in one hand, the towels under his arm and he was trying to drag a fed up Sadie behind him with his other arm.

Blake breathed a huge sigh of relief when he got back through the door and dumped the cooler and towels, before he turned to Miranda and gave her a frustrated half smile. Sadie stomped her foot and pulled her clingy wet bathing suit off her thighs, getting more and more annoyed by the way it was rubbing.

"Come on, bath time." Blake said to his daughter impatiently and Sadie frowned and shook her head, her face scrunching up.

"No." She demanded and Miranda was just about to scold her when Blake took control of the situation. He knew how futile Sadie could be when she lost her temper and he wasn't in the mood for a meltdown, so he sighed and looked down at her. He knew by the way she was adjusting her bathing suit that she was uncomfortable.

"How about you shower then?" He tried to reason and Sadie sighed, shaking her head.

"Can I shower with you?" She asked impatiently and Blake nodded, taking her hand and practically pulling her in to the bathroom. Once Sadie had stripped down, Blake did the same, but pulled on Boxers so he wasn't completely naked.

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