33. pretty little fears

Start from the beginning

"Isaiah!" A voice whispers from behind the curtains. 

I stop and look back to find Principal Diaz motioning for me to come over. I mentally roll my eyes before walking backstage to meet her. Today she wore dark red lipstick and had her hair neatly placed in a ponytail. Even though she had on black pumps that made her slightly taller, I still had to look down to make eye contact with her as she pushed up her glasses. 

"Listen," she started, fluttering her eyelashes. "I know this is last minute but I need you to do me a big favor." 

I furrow my brows. "Mrs. Diaz," I sigh.  "Just because I turned eighteen doesn't make this any less weird."

"I'm not talking about that kind of favor, Isaiah," she defends. "You know Elena Nelson right?"

I nod. "Yeah, she's one of the valedictorians this year," I noted. 

"She was supposed to give a speech at graduation this week but I just found out that she has social anxiety and doesn't work well in front of a crowd," Principal Diaz explains. "It would be great if you could deliver a speech in place of her." 

A speech? In front of the whole senior class and their relatives? Nah, I'm good. 

What would I even talk about? The basic valedictorian speech is about how we're all moving on and how much we're going to miss high school. If I'm being honest, I'm not gonna miss shit. This dusty school and all of the bitches in it can kiss my ass. Especially bitches like Quincy. 

"Sorry Mrs. Diaz, I don't think I can," I tell her. "Graduation is in two days and I wouldn't know what to write about."

"Isaiah please," she pouts, placing a small hand on my arm. "This is a great opportunity for you to speak up and tell everyone what has happened to you this year." 

I move her hand from my arm. "I know it's a big deal but it's asking a lot. I can't write an entire speech in a day." 

"You can talk about whatever you want! Your basketball scholarship, your grades, your experience," she pauses to grimace before finishing her sentence. "Your boyfriend."

Now that's a topic I'd talk about. 

Giving a speech like that in front of everyone's old fashioned parents would be a big "fuck you" to all the homophobes in this neighborhood. Plus I can call out Quincy for being a bitch. 

"Are you sure everyone would be comfortable with that?" I ask. 

Principal Diaz sighs. "No, but it's your life. If you choose to make a speech about how you've grown over these four years then it's an important part of your story," she smiles sadly as she pushes up her glasses. "Speak your truth, Isaiah."

I raise a brow. "You mean that?"

"You're a wonderful person, Isaiah," she smiles. "You deserve someone that makes you happy, even if that someone isn't me." 

"Thank you, Principal Diaz. I'm glad you understand." 

She nods before removing her glasses to clean them on the edge of her shirt. "My doors are still open, you know. If you ever change your mind," she whispers, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Don't you have a husband?" I question.

"We're on a break," she says nonchalantly. 

"Oh." was all I could say. 

Mrs. Diaz winks and runs her hand down my arm before turning to walk away. She sways her hips as her black heels click as they collide with the floor. I stand with a grimace on my face as she looks back at me one last time, attempting to look seductive. 

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