03. whole lotta gang shit

Start from the beginning

"Did you beat him up for me?" she asked, looking at the wrap on my hand.

"Just one punch, hurt like a bitch," I told her. 

Reese laid on my shoulder, she muttered a quiet 'thank you' while she played with my swollen knuckles. I didn't realize they were bleeding until I got home last night, momma was hysteric when she saw Reese laying in my arms with a bloody forehead. 

"Have you heard from Drake?" 

I sighed. I called him like twenty times last night and they all went straight to voicemail, same with his parents. "Nah, his phone is going straight to voicemail."

"Fuck," she swore. "If his bitch ass is dead I swear to–"

Her threat was interrupted by the doorbell ringing frantically.

"Isaiah if you don't go get that damn door!" Momma yelled from the kitchen.

"Isaiah if you don't go get that damn door." I mocked, getting up to answer it.

"Did you just mock me boy?" She yelled as I turned the knob.

"No!" I lied, the wooden door opening to reveal King, who was standing in the doorframe with a blunt between his teeth. 



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"What the fuck were you thinking!" he fumed. "Punchin' a damn dog in the face? Tony was right when he said light skins were on some weird shit."

Maddogs lived around the Clawson area, which is nicknamed 'Dogtown', hence the name Maddogs. They weren't like the Hornets, instead of doing their deals on the down low the Dogs made it clear that they wanted to cause trouble. Starting fights, drive by's, robbing houses, all the gang shit you can think of. 

King always told me gangs were meant to create a family while still doing business. He says they support the people who got cheated by the system, unable to get jobs or go to college. They give people a home and protection from the streets. King always talks about how gangs like the Maddogs give the rest of them a bad rep. 

"How you just gonna come up in here and–"

"And you!" he cut me off, now directing his attention to Reese. "You dumb bitch, I fuckin' knew it had to be your crazy ass that jumped on that negros back like that." 

Reese's jaw dropped, she stood up from the couch and threw her hoops at me. "Nigga who the fuck are you calling a dumb bitch?" she barked. 

I never knew why, but Reese and King always some kinda beef between them. The first time I introduced her to my cousin they immediately got into a fight about some irrelevant shit like how big a girl's hoops should be. When Reese was twelve and King was fifteen, they actually fought each other, like full on throwing hands. 

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