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I woke up on the couch with a blanket draped over me. The events of the night before came flooding back.

"good morning sleepy head," London said walking in

"morning" I replied running a hand through my knotted hair.

"do you wanna go out for coffee or breakfast. I know an amazing place!" she squealed excitedly

"ok. I need some clothes"

we went up to her closet. I picked put a mint green crop top with high waisted black shorts.

"heels or high tops"

"black high tops"

~at the cafe~
"this is amazing," I said

"yeah" she sighed contently


I ran my fingers over the scars on my wrists.

"I need to move out" I blurted out

She looked a little hurt.

"not your place. The mansion. I need to burn some bridges."  I got up pulled money out of my wallet. Paid for my half and ran out the door.

I got to the mansion.
Let myself in.
I ran up to my room.
No one was home by the looks of it.
I packed up my stuff.
I grabbed the last box from my room took it downstairs.
Shuffling through the kitchen junk drawer, I found a pad of paper and a pen.
I quickly scribbled. I've moved out. Please don't try to stop me. I've made my decision. I don't want to speak to you again. Yours sincerely Gabrielle.

I left the paper on the table.

Walking outside I saw London loading the last of my boxes into the back of her car.

"I did it. I moved out."

"come on. You don't want to be seen here"

We jumped in the car and spread away.

"can I move in with you. I will pay rent. I don't have anywhere to go."

"Yeah, it's fine. But you have to pay half the rent." 

"haha ok," I said

*later. Next day*

I was just finishing unpacking my stuff. When I heard the doorbell ring, the door open then loud shouting and hollering. Typical boys.

I ran downstairs. To the kitchen. Where the boys and London were.

"Gabby this is Corbyn, Daniel, Jack, Zach and Jonah." she pointed to each as she said their names.(different Zach)

"hi" I replied

"oh by the way. You probably wanna know this. Jack and I are dating" London said excitedly grabbing jacks hand.

I had picked up on a little wink shared when I walked downstairs.

"I have one question. Where do I know you guys from??"

"oh probably our band 'why don't we'"

"oh ok" was the extent of our conversation. Totally chill about everything. Having a celebrity input house.

"let's watch a movie," London said impatience clear in her voice

"ok babe what do ya wanna watch" Corbyn replied cheekily

"Oh no. I'm scared" I squealed running to the couch to get a good seat.

"you're on," said Daniel

"what," said the other boys. Watching our race to the couch like looneys.

"I'm so glad Gabby is getting along with you guys" London whispered in Jack's ear

"oooooh. Come on love birds. We wanna watch the movie." I yelled out

"we are making popcorn. Shut up"

"oook" I sang back in a sing-songy voice.

"there probably f*cking," I whispered to the boys.

All of them cracked up laughing with me. I almost pissed myself.

"what's so funny," Jack said walking into the room.

"gg-gabby" one of the boys got out through laughs.

He looked at me disapprovingly and turned on his heel and left.

I sobered up and said

"he's got his g-string in a twist"

The boys burst out laughing again so did I.

"hurry up" I yelled.

I started the movie, leaving the boys on the couch. London and Jack still not back.

I walked into the kitchen to see...

639 words

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