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"I was shot" he mumbled.

I cleaned the wound and put a bandage on it. The doorbell rang. Echoing through the house. "I'll get it" i said and jumped up. I ran to the front door and pulled it open dash was standing there. "Hey" i said "hey. Can i come in" she said "oh yeah sorry" i opened the door for her to come in. "what took you so long?" i asked "i was with my boyfriend, when you called me." she replied "josh right?" i questioned "yeah. Now shut up i have a headache from you talking" we got back to the living room where James was. "Woah what happened to you?" she asked surprised. "I was shot' he mumbled again. "Ok. so do you want us to stay or to go or do you want to come with us?" i asked James "uhh i don't want to stay home alone and you guys should go get your stuff cos we're having a pajama party. Jk just grab some shit and get your asses back here." he said "ok babe be back soon" i said walking to the front door.

I got into the car an we started driving away. We got our place 15 minutes later.

I grabbed the essentials like clothes, phone/charger, shaving razor.

We met back at the car "ok that's normal." i said looking at dash's boyfriend sitting in the back "yeah. James said pack the essentials." dash said i laughed at her then said "ok child whatever makes you sleep at night."

We got back to james' place at 11 (we left at 10:20).

He wasn't down stairs.


As soon as Gabby and Dash left i went up to the ensuite. I grabbed my phone and scrolled though insta.

I looked at the time it was already 10:50 they should be back at 11. I got in the shower and spent the remaining time there.


Then i heard the water running he must be having a shower.

I went up to the master bedroom and found James' phone on the bedside table. I know it's wrong but i grabbed it and started looking through his browser history. What i found was so bad i wanted to scream and kill someone. I quickly put his phone back and went down stairs. I put a movie on. "Why do we have to watch this" josh wined(dash's boyfriend) "cos i have the... uh i don't know just shut up" i said

James came down from upstairs. He managed to put the bandage back on from being in the shower. He sat down close to me. "I need a shower" i whispered to him and got up grabbed my stuff and ran up to the ensuite.

I turned the water on and I grabbed my razor threw it on the ground and stopped on it. On of the razor blades came out. Just what i wanted. I grabbed i and pushed it to my wrist hard. It cut and i did that 3 more times i had 4 cuts on my wrist i stopped the blood and washed the razor. I cleaned up the floor from where the blood dripped. I quickly took off my clothes and got into the shower. I put on my pajamas "shit" i cursed under my breath looking at the shirt i had brought. It was a short sleeved top. I went out into the master bedroom and grabbed one of kobe's sweaters and put it on. It reached over my hands so i could hide my cuts. I walked down the stair. Kobe looked over at me "its the middle of summer why are you wearing my sweater i know that, that ones a hot one." he said "well...

654 words

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