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"wait," I said everyone looked at me. my mood had gone from sugar high to sad in 0.3 seconds flat. I could feel everyone's eyes burn through my head.

"what" dash said looking at me weirdly.

"oh wait. I understand. u have a crush on... Carlos" Abby said smirking.

"fuck you," I said. I got up and stormed out.


I was sitting on my in my room angry that Abby said it out loud. I'm never telling her my secrets ever again.

it was after midnight before I finally got to sleep. I think everyone left 2 hours after I stormed out.

I can't believe Abby would do that to me.

I just wish she didn't.

~~~~next morning~~~~

"breakfast is ready" someone yelled from downstairs

I got up and put on black high waisted shorts and a floaty floral top.

I made my way down to the kitchen being greeted by the smell of pancakes. I sat on the bar stool at the island.

"what's for breakfast. Wait let me guess. Pancakes." I said

"here" Maddy passed me a plate of steaming hot pancakes.

"mhhh thanks" I mumbled through my mouthful of pancake.


"that was a hellish day" I sighed flopping down onto the couch.

my phone started to vibrate violently. I grabbed it someone was calling me. I looked at the caller ID it was Lakkin.

"hey" answered the phone.

"Hey, you know how I'm coming from Melbourne to see you I'm coming in about a week." she blurted out.

"OMG YESSS. Can't wait" I beamed excitedly.

"I gotta go but talk when I get here byeeee lots of love"

"bye and same to you" I ended the call

I bouced around the room not being able to wait.

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