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"Well... ahh.. I was cold." i said and looked over at dash for reassurance "yeah It is kinda chilly in here" dash said looking at me then she realized what i was saying.

"Well. lets watch a movie" kobe muttered "ok what are we gonna watch?" i asked "i was thinking transformers" kobe and josh said at the exact same time then something really weird happened they giggled like school girls like WTF just happened. I thought "i'm gonna make a drink, want anything?" i announced "i'll help" dash said quickly "yeah can you get us popcorn and lemonade" James said "please" he finished "ok babe" i said

We got into the kitchen i started putting the microwave popcorn in the microwave. Dash grabbed the stuff to make a mocktail. "Do you want one?" she asked me "yeah please" i answered. It was already dark but i wanted mint in my mocktail, so i went to the french doors that were next to the kitchen and switched the outside light on. I opened the door and found a pot of mint on the veranda. I picked some and went back inside.

I sat down at the counter with my mocktail and the faint sound of the tv on in the back round. Dash and i just talked for hours. Im guessing the boys did a movie marathon cos we went to the other lounge room. And watched a movie. I fell asleep on the couch and dash was asleep next to me.

I woke up and it was 10am already. "Shit" i said and got up and saw dash still sleeping. "Ah never mind" i whispered and left.

There were voices in the kitchen when i got close to it. They were whispers but they got louder. It sounded like fighting. I heard james' voice and what sounded like a female's voice.

I peeped around the corner to see James, he had his back to me. And a woman was standing in front of him. I recognised her as Amber. Fuck he was cheating on me. I grabbed my stuff and just as i was about to slam the front door i yelled "later." then i slammed the door. And ran back to my place which was only 15mins in a car. I ran faster tears running down my cheeks.

I got home i was shaking from the running and crying. I fumbeled with my keys finally opened the door. I got into the living room to find maddy on the couch with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Hey. you back" maddy said. "H-hey" i stuttered. "Are you ok?" maddy asked, i leaned against the wall "no. James fucking cheated on me with Amber." i said angrily. I slid down the wall and cried into my knees. Maddy came over, she sat down next to me and hugged me. "It's gonna be ok" she whispered

I got up and grabbed my phone and called james number. It rang...

503 words

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